Learn How to Make Money Online: Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started!

Tired of all the online scams that promise unrealistic earnings overnight?

Here’s How I Make a REALISTIC Online Income Every Month…

IMPORTANT: Watch video above BEFORE joining ⇈


I'm Mikael, and on this page, I am going to show you exactly how I went from an unemployed newbie without an income to earning $30K+ online every single month using a simple and proven strategy ANYONE can do.

I started looking for ways to make money online because I was tired of being stuck in an office job I did not enjoy and quit without knowing what to do next – I just knew I wanted more freedom and a higher income.

However, I kept coming across scams and tried many different hyped methods that simply did not work for me. I just kept failing.

Then I came across a simple 4-step method that sounded very promising to me, and with effort and hard work, I started getting results.

This is what has now grown into a multiple 6-figure online income for me. I now earn more than $30K every single month, and both my wife and I have the freedom to work completely on our own terms, work when and where we want to, and also have plenty of time with our daughter.

Here are a few examples of the earnings I have been able to achieve by following this process. These are examples from just one month.

earning examples overview image
A few examples of my monthly earnings by following this process.

The above examples do not even show the full potential, and if you are willing to put in time and effort, the sky truly is the limit.

And I am not the only one who has achieved success by following these 4 steps. Below, you can see a few more examples.

other examples of success
Examples of other success stories from following this process and training.

These are just a few examples of the thousands of people who have achieved success with this process and training. New success stories are shared inside the platform I will share with you below every day – most of them from people who had no knowledge of online marketing or business before starting.

The results are real and realistic and are achieved through an honest approach – but before getting to more details about the step-by-step process that can help you achieve these results, let’s first do a reality check.

Before you start – a reality check!

I have seen a lot of get-rich-quick schemes, and actually doubted it was ever possible to find a legit and honest way to make money online.

Luckily, I found out it is possible for anyone to learn in a legit and realistic way without having to spend thousands of dollars on poor “training” that will only make the owner of the programs rich. On this page, I will share the exact 4-step process that has helped me reach a level where I now earn $30K+ online every single month.

I will also show you step-by-step how you can get started yourself – and you can even get started for free.

However, before we get to how you can get started making money online, let’s first do a reality check, as there are so many claims and myths about making money online.

I have seen so many claims myself and tested MANY programs to find a legit way. After having looked for a long time, I started doubting that it would ever be possible to find a program that could teach me to make money online without having to scam others.

But luckily, I finally found such a program, and it is the process I have used to create a full-time online income myself, and I will share it with you today.

And let’s make one thing clear – it is definitely possible to make money online legitimately. And it is also possible for anyone to learn. Once you have learned the process, it is possible to earn a full-time income online and even more than this as well.

But what is not realistic is that this will happen overnight and without any effort. Programs that claim this are lying.

make money online without effort claim
Programs that promise you can become rich online without any effort are scams.

A sure way to end up losing money online and wasting a lot of time is to chase the programs that promise you can make money on autopilot and become rich overnight online without ever making any effort – you just need to click a few buttons, and then you can sit back and watch the money roll in.

This is just not realistic.

You can learn to make really good money online but NEVER go for programs that make these kinds of claims. Making money online takes effort and time, but it is definitely worth it, as it can give you extreme freedom to work your own hours, make a very good income, and work from wherever you want. If you do it right, you will even make money while you sleep.

But if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme and are not willing to make an effort, then the process I am going to show you below is not for you. But if you are tired of scams with unrealistic claims and want to learn a solid and sustainable way to earn money online honestly, then you are going to love this.

The 4-step PROVEN process to make money online

The 4-step process that I myself have used is proven to work – not only by me but by thousands of other members of the platform I will share with you later. The process is:

4 steps path to success

Step 1 – Choose an interest / Discover your business direction:

First, you need a topic or a direction for your business. Without this, you do not know where to focus. The great thing about this is that it can be any topic. So it is best to choose a topic you are interested in and passionate about, and no matter what your topic is, I promise you there will be MANY opportunities to make money online with it.

This means that you cannot only create an online income and achieve the freedom to work when or where you want to; you can do this by working with a topic you are passionate about, which makes it even more fun. When you love what you do, it’s not work – it’s a journey to success!

If you are starting from scratch and have a hard time coming up with a direction, you can use the Niche Finder AI tool that instantly helps you find the perfect business path for you.

Step 2 – Launch a profit-ready website – in seconds:

If you have no technical skills or have no experience with building websites, I know this step might sound scary.

But do not worry – today, there are a lot of tools that can help you, and you do not need to be able to code or anything else. At the platform I use for this the websites are pre-built and coded, so you do not have to do anything like this.

With just a few clicks, your beautifully designed, profit-ready website comes to life in mere seconds, so it is something anybody can do no matter your previous experience and technical skills.

Having a website is like owning a small piece of the internet – this is the foundation for making money online, and luckily, it is now something anybody can build.

I remember when I built my first website many years ago – it took weeks to do. Now, it is a lot easier as technology has progressed, and the tools and training I will show you will help you get started easily and have a website ready today.

So do not worry about whether you can do this or not – you definitely can!

Step 3 – Attract visitors / Get traffic:

Getting visitors to your website is what will end up making you money. The more visitors, the more opportunities you have to earn.

There are many ways to generate traffic, and if you follow the training I recommend and have used myself, you will learn the latest, most effective traffic-generation techniques to captivate your ideal audience.

As you can see from my earning examples above, once you learn how to do it, the traffic will keep growing, and the potential is HUGE.

Step 4 – Earn money:

Once you have visitors to your website, you can start monetizing this traffic.

There are many ways to do this – it all depends on your preferences, your specific topic, and your website. You will learn exactly how to do this and how to find the best way for you to earn money through the training at Wealthy Affiliate, which is the name of the platform I use for this and highly recommend.

And the great thing is that you will learn how to earn by promoting top-tier brands without the hassle of inventory or support and without having to invest in any products or anything like that.

If you do it the right way and take action, your earning potential is virtually limitless.

How to Get Started?

You have now seen the process that can help anyone to make money online, as long as you are willing to make an effort.

To get started with the process and start building your own online income, follow the steps below:

  1. Join Wealthy Affiliate as a free starter member.
    The name of the platform I have used to create a multiple 6-figure online income is called Wealthy Affiliate. It offers a free starter membership, where you can test drive the tools and training without paying anything. This will help you build the foundation of your online income.
  2. I will get in touch soon after you join.
    I will personally help you get going, and you can ask me any questions you have. I have a lot of experience and will be happy to share this with you. This can really help you achieve success faster. So keep an eye out for the welcome message from me inside the platform after you join.
  3. Follow the training, take action, ask questions.
    Make sure you follow the training and take action. I have seen it over and over again – the people who follow the training step-by-step, take action, and ask questions whenever they have any are the ones who succeed. I can help and support you, but you have to do the work yourself.

This is how easy it is to get started.

So join Wealthy Affiliate, so you can get started. And remember that you can join as a free starter member without taking out your credit card, so there is no risk involved. Just make sure to follow the training and ask questions if you need any help.

7 Reasons Wealthy Affiliate is my top recommendation

As I have already mentioned, I have tested many programs that claim to teach you how to earn money online. The majority of them are scams, and some of them are just poor and overpriced.

After having tested so many, there is no doubt for me that Wealthy Affiliate is the best way to learn to make money online for both beginners and experienced marketers. Let me show you the most important reasons this is my top recommendation.

Reason 1 – Superior step-by-step training for all levels

The training at Wealthy Affiliate is amazing compared to other learning platforms I have seen.

It is not just superficial training that will never really take you anywhere. It is step-by-step training for all levels that does not just give you theories but concrete action you can take to start building an online income.

examples of classes inside wealthy affiliate
You will get access to updated step-by-step training for all levels.

Furthermore, the training is continuously updated, so you will always have the newest and most relevant information.

There are also regular live classes from experts on all kinds of topics. And new trainings are added by other members that are experts every day, so you can keep learning and growing your business.

Reason 2 – Amazing and updated tools

It is not only the training on Wealthy Affiliate that is amazing. You also get access to some of the best tools in the industry that will help you create your business.

You, for example, get state-of-the-art hosting for your website, keyword research tools, a content creation platform, a feedback tool to help improve your website, a free SiteSpeed function (makes your website fast), and more.

Wealthy Affiliate has also embraced the opportunities AI gives and has made some great innovative tools that I have not seen anywhere else. These new innovative tools can really help you speed up the process of building your online business, and it can now be achieved faster and with more efficiency than ever before.

Reason 3 – Support is fast and available 24/7

We all need a little support once in a while. Wealthy Affiliate has a super fast support service available 24/7 if you need help.

In addition to this, there is a whole community of helpful marketers ready to help you (myself included) either through the live chat or by answering questions you post.

As there are members from all over the world, you can usually expect an answer within a few minutes after you ask a question, as there is always someone awake and ready to help:-)

You will also get direct access to the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, and they are active and available to help on the platform every day.

Reason 4 – You can test it for free

You can join Wealthy Affiliate for free and get to test the training and tools without even taking out your credit card.

This is unheard of compared to other programs. There is no risk in joining – this is one of the reasons I decided to give it a chance, even though I had seen so many online scams. And I am very glad I gave it a chance and followed the training there.

Reason 5 – No hidden costs

You can join Wealthy Affiliate for free and take it for a test-drive it. But there is also a premium membership you can upgrade to if you want access to even more training and tools.

If you want to take your business live and want access to all the tools, training, and support, you need to upgrade at some point. But it is very affordable and the most cost-effective way to start an online business I have come across, as everything you need to build a successful online business is included in the membership.

Most other programs have continuous upgrades, where you never really know how much it will end up costing you to get full access. Often, you can end up spending thousands of dollars before getting full access. This is NOT the case with Wealthy Affiliate. There are no hidden costs.

In fact, you do not even need to invest in any other tools or anything else. You just pay for the premium membership, and then you have everything you need.

There are 2 different types of premium membership you can choose from.

wealthy affiliate pricing
You have several membership options.

The Premium membership only costs $49 per month ($41.58 if you pay yearly), and the Premium Plus+ membership only costs $99 per month ($58.08 if you pay yearly).

If you get a yearly membership, you can get it as low as $1.36 per day – this is an extremely low cost for getting access to all the tools, training, support, etc., and the best value for money I have seen in all the programs I have tested.

Just think about it – for only $1.36 per day you can start and run an entire online business that potentially can bring you thousands of dollars per month.

Personally, I now earn several times what I pay for a full year's membership every single day. Starting a business takes at least a bit of investment, but it cannot be done cheaper than this, and as you can see, the potential returns are amazing.

Reason 6 – It has an honest and ethical approach

There are many people online trying to scam others just to make money themselves. When I started looking into making money online, it was (and still is) important for me to find a way where the approach would be honest and where I could help other people and not cheat them.

This was not easy to find – this is one of the many reasons Wealthy Affiliate is my top recommendation. I quickly realized that the owners and the training there focus on quality and on really helping people build an honest online income. The owners are realistic and do not make all kinds of ridiculous claims just to get people to sign up.

I had had enough of programs that were full of BS – It was refreshing and amazing to see that it was possible to find a program to learn to earn money online that was not focused on BS but on quality and on improving people’s lives.

Reason 7 – I have seen the results myself

I am only recommending Wealthy Affiliate, as I have actually seen the results myself. Before joining, I had lost the belief that it is possible to make money online in a legit and honest way.

The training and tools at Wealthy Affiliate have shown me it is, and I now want to share this with others as this is truly a unique platform and opportunity.

Final Thoughts + Next Step!

For the reasons above, there is no doubt that Wealthy Affiliate is my no. 1 recommendation if you want to learn to make money online and build it into a full-time income or more. Join it today to get started.

The key to success is to follow the training and take action, and I will personally be there to help you every step of the way. If you follow the training and take action, you will definitely see results.

If you have ANY questions about Wealthy Affiliate, or if you are a current member wanting to share your experiences, feel free to leave a comment below. Would be great to hear from you, and I will be happy to answer any questions.

All the best,
Founder of PaidFromSurveys.com

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69 thoughts on “Start Online Business”

    • There are hours of training. As I explain above, you are learning to build a real online business and that will take time and effort. If you are not willing to put in at least 5-8 hours per week for several months to learn and implement to start seeing results, then this is not for you.

  1. Hey Mikael!
    I was checking YouTube for online earnings, and your vids came up. You explained it the best and most honestly from all others I watched.
    After all those fake videos with bot likes and comments, it is really refreshing to finally found someone who actually want to help people earn money online, without hidden agenda.
    I am in Croatia, EU, so guess I won’t have any problems to earn from methods you suggest? Just checking.
    Thanks for all your effort and honesty

    • Thanks for sharing your feedback. happy to hear you like my videos. I made my channel and website exactly because I was tired of all the fake hype videos from people that have not actually tried the methods they talk about, so very happy to hear it helps you.

      And yes, you should be able to use most of the methods I talk about from your country.


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