goLance Review: Worth It? (An Inside Look)

goLance Rating

goLance is a good freelance site to join, especially if you are just starting as a freelancer. Its service fee isn’t as high as most other freelance sites. It also has a decent number of jobs available.

goLance is a website that claims you can find freelance work if you become a member. So, if you are looking for a freelance site to join, you might be thinking about joining it.

However, before you hit the sign-up button, I highly recommend you read this goLance review because it will give you an inside look. That way, you’ll know exactly what to expect from it before you even join.

Then, you can properly evaluate if it is worth it or not. So, let’s go ahead and dive in, shall we?

What is goLance, and what does it offer?

goLance, as mentioned above, is a freelance site where you can find job opportunities. And yes, it is a legit site because you can really earn from the jobs offered by the site. However, the fact that it is legit doesn’t always mean it is the right fit for you.

To find out if you should sign up for it, you must first understand how it works. The best way to do that is to examine the earning opportunity it offers so you will have a clear picture of how well you can earn and how much time you must invest in it.

So, here’s how to earn from goLance.

Option 1 – Jobs

Once you become a goLance freelancer, you will be given access to the job opportunities it offers. To view the available jobs you can apply for, you must log in to the dashboard. Once you are logged in, just click the Get Hired link and you will see something similar to the photo below.

how to earn from golance
You must apply for jobs if you want to earn from goLance.

As shown in the photo above, you will immediately see how much you will earn for taking on the job offer. Some jobs will have a fixed rate, while some are on an hourly rate. If you are interested in the job, just click it to see the full details. On this page, you’ll see what the job entails, as well as the preferences of the employer (like the preferred location of the applicant, skills needed, etc).

If you think you are the right person for the job, then just click Apply. Then, during this step, you’ll have to place your bid, which means you’ll have to indicate how much you will be paid to do the job. It’s up to you if you want to go over or under the amount indicated by the employer.

Then, you’ll have to write a cover letter and upload samples of your work. After you’ve done this, you can submit your application for review. The employer will review your application, and if they want to hire you, you’ll receive a notification from goLance.

If you get hired, all you must do is to do the job you applied for and make sure to submit everything before the deadline because it goes without saying that if you miss the deadline, you will not get paid.

types of jobs on golance
goLance has a wide variety of jobs you can apply for.

As for the jobs you will find on the site, there are plenty of categories available, as shown in the photo above. There are jobs for accounting and consulting, admin support, customer service, writing, translation, web and software development, and more.

While testing goLance, I found that there were a decent number of job offers available at any given time, so you should be able to find job opportunities regularly. What’s good about goLance, in my opinion, is that you can find opportunities that don’t require extensive experience, so it can be a decent option for freelancers who are just starting.

Of course, the question of whether you will actually land the job you applied for will still depend on the employer.

Option 2- Affiliate Program

Another way you can earn from goLance is by joining their affiliate program. If you get accepted into this program, then all you must do is invite potential clients to sign up for goLance.

affiliate program of golance
You can join the affiliate program to earn more from goLance.

To do so, you must share your affiliate link with the person you want to invite. Then, when they click the link and sign up as a member, they will become your referral. But to earn from your referral, they must spend money on goLance, which means they must post a job.

Once they do, you’ll receive a commission, which will be 12.5% of the 7.95% service fee that goLance deducts from freelancers. It’s a bit confusing, so to simplify, that will be around 1% of the amount your referral spends on goLance.

It’s not as profitable as you would hope, in my opinion, but it’s a way to earn passively from goLance. You just have to make sure that you invite people who are willing to spend money on goLance.

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How do you get paid?

Every time you complete a job or your referral orders a job from goLance, you will earn a specific amount. Your earnings will then be credited to your goLance wallet.

payment methods of golance
goLance offers various payout options, including crypto.

Now, the question is, how can you withdraw your earnings? Well, goLance offers several payment methods including direct bank transfer, Payoneer, and crypto withdrawals (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and USDC).

You don’t have to hit a threshold to withdraw your earnings. As long as you’ve earned from a job, you can withdraw your earnings.

Now, as mentioned earlier in the affiliate program section, goLance will deduct a service fee of 7.95% from what you will earn for completing a job. It is understandable since they do offer this opportunity to freelancers for free. They also have to earn from freelancers to keep the business going.

It’s a fairly reasonable service fee, in my opinion. In fact, it’s one of the lowest service fees from a freelance site I have come across. Overall, I would say the payment system of goLance is relatively straightforward. I like the fact that it offers a convenient payment method like a direct bank transfer.

If you are interested in more sites that use a convenient payment method, I suggest you also check out the top sites that pay via direct bank transfer.

How much money can you make?

The amount you can earn from goLance will mostly depend on how often you can land jobs. As for the pay, as explained earlier, you can dictate how much you will get paid for completing the job. So, you must always make sure that you are not underselling your services if you want to maximize your earnings.

And as mentioned earlier, there are a decent number of job opportunities available at any given time, so you will have a high chance of landing a job at least once a week, in my opinion.

Overall, I would say its earning potential is pretty decent mainly because there’s a good number of job opportunities available. Plus, as mentioned above, they have a low service fee, so even though you won’t receive the full amount, the deduction will be minimal.

Can you use it on mobile?

Another good thing about goLance is that it has a mobile app you can download so you can check if there are available jobs for you. The app will work with both Android and iOS devices and it can also be used by clients who want to offer jobs.

golance app
goLance has an app that works on both Android and iOS devices.

It is also relatively user-friendly, so you will easily get used to it. Plus, you won’t encounter any annoying pop-up ads while using it.

Just bear in mind that you can only use the app to apply for jobs, check the status of your application, or withdraw your earnings. The rest will require the use of a computer.

Who can join goLance?

The site doesn’t tell you exactly which countries it is available in, but from what I can see, it is available more or less worldwide. Just keep in mind that some opportunities will only be available in certain countries.

how to join golance
You must sign up as a freelancer if you want to earn from goLance.

You can use your Google account to sign up, or you can also just create your own username and password. During this phase, you must indicate the services you will offer to clients. After you are done with the registration process, you must log in to the dashboard and complete your freelancer profile.

Make sure to finish this because you won’t be able to apply for jobs if your profile is incomplete. It will also help your chances of landing jobs.

Can you get support?

If you have questions about your account or the platform, you can check out the FAQ and Help section. It discusses most of the important topics you need to know about goLance.

If you can’t find the answers you need, you can get in touch with the support team instead. To do so, just click the message icon at the lower right of the website and fill out the form. You will be assisted by their digital assistant Migo, so it will be an easy way to contact support, in my opinion.

Overall, I would say goLance provides decent support to its freelancers since it offers a convenient way for you to contact support.

Final Verdict

goLance is a legit freelance site that will let you earn by taking on various freelance jobs. It has a couple of good features, but it also has certain limitations you must consider.

To help you with your decision, I have summarized its pros and cons so you can get an overview of what it offers.



  • Offers convenient payment methods
  • No payout threshold
  • Has a decent number of jobs available


  • Affiliate program isn’t very rewarding
  • Some job offers are only available in certain countries

In my opinion, goLance is a good freelance site to join, especially if you are just starting as a freelancer. Its service fee isn’t as high as most other freelance sites. It also has a decent number of jobs available.

You just have to be a bit patient because some job offers are only available in certain countries. Now, if you don’t want to rely on a website to find job opportunities as a freelancer, then I suggest you set up your own online business. That way, you won’t have to share your earnings with a third party.

To learn how to set up your own online business, I recommend you check out this guide on how to build your own online business. It will teach you how to set up your online business from the ground up. That way, you can find opportunities without relying on some freelance site to find freelance opportunities.

If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with goLance, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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