How to Get Referrals for Survey & GPT Sites (4 Essential Tips)

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If you have been using survey and Get-Paid-To (GPT) sites, you have probably seen that many of them have referral programs where you can earn extra by inviting others to join.

This can be an amazing way to boost your earnings, and if you do it correctly, you can make really BIG money this way.

However, most people do not know how to get a lot of referrals and just end up wasting a lot of time without ever earning much.

I have tested many methods to get referrals over the last 7 years and have now reached a point where I make really good money that way.

And as I see there is mostly poor advice out there about how to get referrals for survey and GPT sites, I decided to share 4 essential tips in this article – if you implement these tips, you can save a lot of time and really boost your earnings.

What are referral programs, and how do they work?

In case you do not know much about what a referral program is and how you can use it to boost your earnings on survey and GPT sites, I just want to quickly explain this before going into the dos and don'ts of getting referrals.

Most survey and GPT, of course, wish to get more members. Therefore, they often have a referral program where you can earn by inviting other people to join.

Usually, you will simply get access to a link after joining a site and you can then share this link with others. If they join through your link, they become your referral.

Example of Referral Link
On many sites, you will get a referral link that you can share with others.

When you will then earn depends on the site. Often, you will earn a percentage of whatever your referral earns. This can be anywhere between 5%-40% but usually it is between 10%-30%.

This means that if someone you invite earns $10 and the commission is 20%, then you will earn $2.

It is important to notice that your earnings will NOT be taken from the person you refer. He/she will earn the exact same as they would have earned if they had not joined through your link.

It is a commission paid by the survey or GPT site to thank you for inviting someone else.

If you know how to use referral programs correctly, this can really boost your earnings as I will go more into below.

How much can you earn by referring people to survey and GPT sites?

If you become good at referring people, it can potentially make you A LOT of extra money.

It can even potentially be able to give you a full-time income if you keep putting in effort.

Below, you can see a couple of examples of commissions I have earned just recently by referring people.

Examples Of Referral Earnings From Survey And Gpt Sites
Examples of a few of my recent referral commissions.

I just want to make it clear that to get results like the ones you see above is not something that happens overnight.

It will require effort and work. But I saw the potential of referral programs when I first started using survey and GPT sites to earn and decided to learn to become a master at referring people.

But it was difficult to find any good info about how to do this to earn more than just a few extra dollars.

So, over the last few years, I have tested a lot of methods and have now been able to find a way that can give me results like the ones you see above.

Let me just again make it clear that making good money on survey and GPT sites is NOT a get-rich-quick thing.

It requires effort and time to build a good income by referring people. But it definitely can be worth it, and if you put in enough effort, it can make a huge financial difference for you.

I often get asked about how to get more referrals, and below, I want to share 4 essential tips you need to start implementing to get good long-term results.

2 things to STOP doing

I want to start by going over 2 things I see people do all the time to try to get more referrals.

These two methods are something many people recommend, but in reality, they are a complete waste of time and will, at the most, give you a couple of referrals here and there, but they will not help you build long-term extra income.

So to stop wasting time on these two “techniques” is very important to get long-term results which is what you should go for.

One way people often try to get referrals is to go to different websites like, for example, here on or YouTube channels and find articles and videos about surveys and GPT sites.

They then go to the comment section and post their referral link there – sometimes with a comment, and other times, they just post the link and then hope people will see it and join.

This is an extremely ineffective way to try to get referrals and it is also unethical, in my opinion.

I get comments like that every day here on my website and on my YouTube channel.

Spam Comments Trying To Get Referrals
Spamming your referral links on websites and on YouTube will NOT give long-term results.

But you should immediately stop using techniques like this.

First of all, it is spam, and most website owners or YouTube channels will block you from commenting when you post links like this.

Secondly, even if your comment in some cases go through, you will very rarely get any referrals as people can clearly see it is a spam comment and will rarely trust it and then not click it.

So this will just waste a lot of your time, and at the same time, you will annoy a lot of website owners and YouTubers.

Tip 2 – Do not spend money on PTC ads

A way to try to get referrals I often see people using is to use Paid-To-Click (PTC) sites to get traffic for their referral links.

The reason for this is that the clicks on your links on these sites are extremely cheap and you can easily get thousands of clicks on your referral links within a few days with a very small budget by buying ads on these sites.

Cheap Clicks To Referral Link Example
It is cheap to buy clicks to your referral links from PTC sites, BUT you can easily waste a lot of money.

However, you need to understand that it is not the amount of clicks that count but the quality of the traffic.

And most people that click ads on PTC sites are only doing it because they get paid per ad they click.

They very rarely care about what site they get to and in most cases, they will not pay attention to this at all. They just stay on the site for the 5-10 seconds required for them to earn and then they will move on to the next ad they can click.

That is how PTC sites work, and the reason people use them is to earn by clicking ads – not to actually pay attention to the ads.

So in most cases, the traffic you get by buying ads on PTC sites are useless and you will potentially just waste a lot of money and time and have to be lucky to just get a few referrals.

And even if you get referrals, you have to be lucky that they will also stay active on the sites you invite them for. If not, you will not earn anything.

So it will be extremely hard to just cover the cost of the ads – even with thousands of very cheap clicks per day, this is NOT a way to build a real income by getting referrals, in my experience.

If you are willing to invest a bit, then there are way better things to invest in to build up a real referral business (more about this later).

So stop wasting your time on PTC sites to get referrals if you are already doing this.

And if you are not doing it yet – do not start doing it even when people recommend it. Often they will just recommend it because they get paid a commission per dollar you spend on the ads.

2 things to START doing

The two methods above are some I often see people using as they think it is a fast way to get referrals.

But I very often get messages from people that have tried this and that are frustrated about it not working and that it does not give long-term results.

So, I just wanted to make you aware of these two big mistakes so you can save your time and money and focus on what will really work.

Let's therefore now go over the two most important aspects of being able to get a continuous flow of referrals that can potentially give you a really good income.

Tip 3 – Build a long-term asset you own

In addition to the two methods mentioned above not working, there is another big problem with them.

They are based on short-term thinking and are an attempt to make a few quick bucks.

If you want to succeed online and start making BIG money, you need to start thinking long-term. The good results come to those who are willing to put in effort and time.

No successful business or income is built overnight, and to achieve a good online income, you need to be willing to work for it.

And if you are, it can give you a lot of freedom – both financially and personally.

Therefore, you need to create a long-term asset where you can give people information and share your referral links.

It should preferably be a channel you own so it cannot just be taken away from you.

That is the problem with only relying on a social media channel to get referrals – it can suddenly be shut down without warning, and I have tried having a Facebook page closed down without reason myself.

Social media can be a great way to get referrals, but you should not only rely on this.

My number one recommendation is to get a website as you own everything here. And you can share a lot of info that helps people and then they will join through your referral links.

And if you know how to set it up correctly, it can really build up over time and give you hundreds or, in some cases, maybe even thousands of referrals per day.

These will all be referrals who are really interested in earning, which will be great for both you and them.

Even if you want to use YouTube, which is definitely also a great channel to create to get referrals, I would clearly recommend getting a website to send people to from YouTube so they can join through your links there and find even more info.

And the great thing about building a website is that it is something everyone can do now. You do not need any special skills or a technical background as long as you are just willing to put in a bit of effort.

Later in this article, I will show you how you can learn more about setting up your website from scratch to get the best chances of getting referrals through it.

Tip 4 – Always focus on quality

When people try to get referrals I often see they make one big mistake – they only think about making money themselves and do not care about what they recommend and if it gives value to the people they recommend it to.

In my opinion, this is a big issue online in general. Too often I see people recommend something that is not really worth recommending just because they get a commission for recommending it.

This is a huge mistake in many ways.

First of all, when making money online, it should always be done ethically, in my opinion. What better way to make money than by actually also helping others with quality information and good recommendations?

You can then feel good about what you are doing and earn at the same time.

Also, making money online should be focused on building something long-term. And if you recommend something just to earn but it is not worth it for people you recommend it to, they will never trust you again.

But if they find out you are honest and provide quality advice, they will keep trusting you and will keep joining through your links when you recommend something to them.

This is how you build trust and build a long-term income that can keep growing.

Think about it like this: to become really successful and earn a lot by referring people to survey and GPT sites, it needs to be a win-win-win situation.

The person you refer needs to get something out of it, the platform you send them to needs to get something out of it, and you need to get something out of it.

This is the approach you, in my opinion and experience, should have to get really good results.

You will build good relationships with the people you refer, you will build good relationships with the platforms you refer them to, and all this will help you grow your income and you can feel really good about what you are doing at the same time.

So, always focus on honesty and quality.

How to learn to become a master at referring people

The above tips show you the foundation of what you should do and not do if you want to build a good income by referring people.

I have started from scratch myself and spent years testing and learning skills to be able to build a good income based on the principles mentioned above.

And now I very often get asked about how to do this step-by-step. And I know how frustrating it can be to try to get referrals but just end up wasting a lot of time and in some cases also money and get no results.

For this reason, I want to share where I have learned the skills to build a website, get traffic to my referral links, and get a continuous flow of referrals every day.

It is a platform where you will learn everything about setting up a website and getting traffic to it step-by-step. And you will learn the best ways of then using your links to get more referrals and a lot more. And it is something you can do no matter the background you have and you do not need any special technical skills.

If you join through the link below, we will also automatically be connected inside the platform and I will be able to help you with any questions you might have and will share my experience with you.

It can help you save years of testing yourself and a lot of money as you will learn exactly what works based on the principles explained in the article above.

The only requirement is that you need to be willing to put in some time and effort – if you are, the course will be perfect for you if you want to know exactly how to get a lot of referrals for the survey and GPT sites you want to recommend and really boost your earnings this way.

No matter whether you decide to take it a step further and join the training program or not, I hope this article helped you so you will focus on the right things when trying to get referrals and then boost your earnings that way.

If you have any comments or questions, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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