Raztune Review – Should You Join? (Learn the Truth)

Raztune Rating

Raztune is not worth your time. Even though it appears to offer a very appealing way to earn, you will just be wasting your time because you will never be able to withdraw your earnings.

Raztune claims you can earn money by listening to songs. It’s an interesting way to earn money, and I’m always looking for ways to earn extra cash online, so I decided to take a look at what Raztune offers.

In this Raztune review, I will reveal what the site has to offer so you will know exactly what to expect from it before you even sign up. That way, you can figure out if what it offers is really a good way to earn extra cash or not. And let me just reveal right away that there are some important things you need to know about it.

Then, at the end of this review, I will also give my recommendation on whether you should join it or not. So, let’s go ahead and check out what Raztune is all about, shall we?

What is Raztune, and what does it offer?

Raztune is essentially a Get-Paid-To (GPT) site that will reward you for listening to songs. At first glance, it looks like a great way to earn, but as mentioned, there are a few things you must know about it before you decide if it is worth it.

To get started, we must take a look at the earning opportunities it offers so you will have a good idea of what it supposedly does and how well you can earn from it. The video below explains exactly how Raztune works and what you need to know about it. You can read the full details below the video.

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Option 1 – Listening to Songs

One supposed way to earn from Raztune, as mentioned, is to listen to songs. It’s a fairly easy way to supposedly earn because you’ll just have to listen to songs on the dashboard for several seconds (around 20 seconds or more).

how to earn from raztune
You can supposedly earn rewards by listening to songs.

When you log in to the dashboard, you’ll immediately see all the songs you can listen to, and you will see which songs will let you supposedly earn money (refer to the photo above). When listening to songs, you can usually earn around $0.60 per song, which is an unusually high reward, in my opinion.

While this may sound like a good thing, it’s actually one of the few things that alarmed me because not only is it an unrealistic amount, based on my experience, but it also makes you think how Raztune can afford to pay members this amount without going bankrupt.

If you take a look at the website, you will not encounter any ads, which is usually how websites like this can afford to pay members. And since there are no ads on the site, then the only logical reason how Raztune can afford to pay members is from the income they get from music artists.

The problem with this is that no sensible music artist will pay that much (and more since the site probably has to take a cut too) just to get people to listen to their songs for at least 20 seconds. That’s just not a sustainable business model, in my opinion.

So, even though it seems like you can earn good money from it, there’s something fishy going on, and later, you will know what that is.

Option 2 – Paid Surveys

Another way you can supposedly earn from Raztune is by answering paid surveys. From time to time, it will invite you to answer surveys, which usually have only one or two questions.

While this is not a problem, what bothers me is that this opportunity seems to offer an unrealistic amount as a reward.

raztune paid surveys
Their surveys also offer unrealistic rewards.

Let me show you an example. When I was testing the site, I was asked to answer a survey that only had one question. And as you can see in the photo above, I received $1.92 just for answering that very short survey.

Now, how is that a bad thing? Well, based on my experience, you will usually earn this kind of amount from surveys if it has around 10 to 20 questions. It’s highly unusual that you’ll earn that amount just for answering one question.

The general rule with online rewards sites is that the reward you will earn will be proportional to the time and effort it takes to complete the earning opportunity. So, if it takes very little effort and time to answer a survey, you should not expect to earn a good amount from it. Based on my experience, at best, you’ll earn a few cents for answering a very short survey.

So, again, this earning opportunity offers unrealistic rewards, in my opinion, which brings me to the next earning opportunity.

Option 3 – Referral Program

Lastly, you can also supposedly earn more by inviting people to join Raztune through its referral program. All you have to do is share your referral link with them, and when they click the link and sign up as a member of Raztune, you’ll supposedly receive $1 as a reward.

referral program of raztune
You can supposedly earn $1 for inviting people to join Raztune.

At first glance, it also sounds like a great and easy way to earn additional rewards. The problem is that, again, this is quite an unrealistic reward for referral programs. Usually, the referral programs of other GPT and survey sites will require your referral to be an active member of the site before you can earn a reward from them.

But with Raztune, you will straight up, receive the reward as soon as they sign up using your referral link. In other referral programs, it will be on a commission basis. You’ll earn a certain percentage of what your referral earns.

This is why this opportunity is also quite alarming because it sounds too good to be true, in my opinion.

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How do you get paid?

As explained, you will supposedly earn a certain amount from the earning opportunities Raztune offers. But the question is, how can you withdraw your earnings?

payout methods of raztune
It offers several payout methods, including PayPal.

Well, Raztune offers several payout options, including PayPal, Payeer, and a few more. Raztune doesn’t tell you immediately the amount you need to earn to withdraw your earnings. Apparently, you’ll need to earn at least $90 to withdraw your earnings, which is a very high payout threshold, in my opinion.

While you may think that this is doable since the site appears to pay well, the problem is that one of two things will usually happen. When you are nearing the threshold, you will find it more difficult to earn more because earning opportunities will be fewer, and the rewards will be significantly lower.

If this doesn’t happen, then when you eventually hit the threshold, the site will just add a new requirement that you must meet to withdraw your earnings. Typically, based on my experience, these sites will ask you to invite a certain number of people first or earn a certain amount from your referrals to withdraw your earnings.

And even if you manage to meet that requirement, they’ll just add another one until you give up on trying to withdraw your earnings. This is, in my opinion, the reason why Raztune appears to be very generous with the rewards they hand out because they never really intend to pay you.

You’ll just end up giving up on trying to withdraw your earnings and move on. That’s why if you are looking for sites that are guaranteed to pay you, I suggest you check out the top sites that pay via PayPal instead.

Red flags you need to be aware of

While testing Raztune, I noticed several red flags, so I decided to share them with you so that you will know how to spot them in the future when you encounter other online rewards sites and apps.

Red flag #1 – Unrealistic rewards

As explained earlier, Raztune appears to be quite generous with the rewards it hands out to its members. While this may sound like a good thing, it actually is a red flag. Over the years, I have tested thousands of online rewards sites and apps, and every time a site or an app appears to pay quite well, there is always something that will hinder you from ever getting paid.

One good example I found while testing Raztune is that they claim to reward you $80 for creating and uploading a YouTube video that promotes the site. Some GPT sites offer legit opportunities like this but with a significantly lower reward (around $5 to $10 at most).

If you don’t have much experience online, you would think that this is a very good opportunity to earn a significant amount. And yes, it might appear that you did earn that kind of amount after uploading the video, but there will always be a catch for this very generous offer, based on my experience.

raztune red flag
Raztune offers unrealistic rewards.

The main reason, in my opinion, why these sites can afford to hand out these very generous rewards is that they don’t really intend to pay you. They just make it appear like you are earning good money so that you will keep using their website.

In the meantime, they are earning from the ads displayed or from the information you’ve shared with them. So, if you ever encounter a site that appears to pay quite well, you must ask yourself, how are they able to afford it? If you can’t find a clear reason, then I suggest you stay away from those sites because you will just be wasting your time since you won’t get paid at all.

Red flag #2 – Not transparent with the payout system

Every time I encounter a website that doesn’t tell you the full details of how you can cash out, it usually means one thing: you won’t get paid. So, if a site withholds information regarding how you can cash out, it’s usually because they don’t want to discourage you from continuing to use their site.

If you immediately know that the payout threshold is very high, then chances are, you’ll just lose interest and move on to the next online rewards site or app. When that happens, the site will effectively lose money because they never got to make you do anything on their site.

All of the great online rewards sites and apps I have tested over the years always make it a point to be transparent with how you can withdraw your earnings from them. That way, you’ll immediately know what you need to do to receive your earnings.

It’s also a good way to encourage members to continue using the site because you will immediately know that if you earn a certain amount, you’ll be able to withdraw your earnings.

Red flag #3 – Fake ratings and testimonials

The first thing I noticed while testing Raztune was the rating plastered on their homepage (refer to the photo below).

another raztune red flag
It uses fake ratings to boost its reputation.

It says that it has a 4.9 rating and is trusted by 20,322 users worldwide. The main issue I found with this statement is that they don’t really mention who gave the rating.

To be honest, it looks like it was just placed on the homepage to make it appear like a trustworthy site, in my opinion. This is why you should always be critical of what an online rewards site or app says on its website.

If you see a rating, you must verify who gave that rating and then double-check if it is indeed the truth. The same goes for testimonials, which are easy to fake, based on my experience. Websites go to incredible lengths just to make a buck. Always remember that. So, it’s not surprising that they just invent things to make it look like they are a credible site or app.

Final Verdict

Raztune is a website that claims you can earn by listening to music. While it sounds like a very interesting and fun way to earn extra cash, there are some things you must know about it.

I have summarized its pros and cons to give you a clear overview of what Raztune truly offers. Then, you will understand why it is not a site I recommend you join.



  • N/A


  • Offers unrealistic rewards
  • Not transparent with its payout methods
  • Shows misleading information on the website

Let me make it clear that Raztune is not worth your time. Even though it appears to offer a very appealing way to earn, you will just be wasting your time because you will never be able to withdraw your earnings.

I always make it a point to avoid sites that are not transparent with their payout methods and those that are showing misleading information on their website, and Raztune appears to do both based on what I’ve seen while testing it.

That’s why if you are looking to earn extra cash online, I suggest you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites and apps on this list all have good earning potential, so you can earn a decent amount quickly.

Plus, all of the options on this list are transparent with how you can cash out.

If you have any comments, questions, or experience with Raztune, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Raztune Review – Should You Join? (Learn the Truth)”

  1. FYI, After I reach the $60.00 mark. The reward per song drastically went down from $0.65/$0.25 range to just $0.01/$0.02. Hahahahah

    • Thanks for sharing. And yes, platforms with unrealistic earning claims always have different tricks to avoid paying you. That is why I say in the review above that it is a complete waste of time.


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