We Work Remotely Review – Worth It? (Not for Everyone)

We Work Remotely Rating

We Work Remotely is not for everyone. If you are already an experienced remote worker who has the skills to do the jobs offered by the site, then this can be a good way to find extra opportunities to earn.

We Work Remotely is a website that claims you can find remote jobs once you become a member. So, if you are looking for a source of extra income, then you might be thinking about joining this site.

However, before you hit the sign-up button, I suggest you read this We Work Remotely review because it will show you the full details of what the site has to offer. That way, you’ll know what to expect from it before you even sign up.

Then, you’ll be able to determine if the site is worth it or not. So, let’s go ahead and check out what We Work Remotely is all about, shall we?

What is We Work Remotely, and what does it offer?

We Work Remotely is a job board platform where you can find various remote job opportunities. And yes, it is a legit site since you can really find paying remote jobs when you become a member. However, that doesn’t automatically mean this is a good fit for you.

To find out if you should sign up, you must first understand how it works. The only way to do that is to take a look at the earning opportunity it offers so you will have a clear idea of how much time and effort is needed to earn from it.

So, here’s how to earn from We Work Remotely.

The earning opportunity – Jobs

Technically speaking, what We Work Remotely offers is the opportunity to land a job. When you sign up as a member, it doesn’t automatically mean you will be able to land a job immediately (although there’s still a possibility if you are already an experienced remote worker). So, if you are looking for guaranteed ways to earn extra cash, I will tell you right now this is not for you.

That’s because you must go through the normal job application process. But instead of going to a certain location to apply for a job, you are just doing it online.

job categories on we work remotely
Most of the jobs offered belong to the categories shown above.

As for the type of jobs you can apply for, the photo above shows what type of jobs you can expect to be offered.

As expected, all of the job categories will require the use of a computer. Based on what I observed when I was testing the site, the most common type of job offers found on We Work Remotely is programming or design jobs (web or graphics).

Once you’ve set up your We Work Remotely profile, you will be able to start the job-hunting process. You must log in to the member dashboard and go to the Job Seekers section to see all the available job offers.

Depending on your membership type (more on this later), you’ll see a tailored feed of job listings available. So, you will be able to easily find job offers that are suited for you. You don’t have to manually search for job opportunities.

If you see a job you are interested in, just click it to see the full details of the job offer. On this page, you’ll see the requirements to be eligible for the position. You’ll also see if it is for a full-time or part-time position.

From what I observed, most job offers will require applications to have a certain level of experience to apply. So, this is not very suitable for people who are just starting as a remote worker.

If you feel that you fit the bill (so to speak), you can go ahead and apply for the position. To do so, you must click the “Apply for this position” button. You’ll then be taken out of We Work Remotely’s site. That’s because the site’s responsibility is just to present you with job opportunities.

The rest of the way will be handled by the company/business offering the job. That means you’ll have to go through the application process set by the company that posted the offer. Based on my experience, the job application process varies per company, but the most common step will be to go through an interview.

The application process is what will determine whether you land the job or not. So, you must do your best to impress your potential employer.

Now, as mentioned earlier, We Work Remotely’s responsibility is to just present you with job opportunities. It will not handle the pay or even mediate salary disputes. Anything that concerns the work will be handled by the company/business that posted the offer. So, keep that in mind when you decide if this is the right fit for you.

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How do you get paid?

As mentioned above, the site will not handle the payment for the job you are working on. Instead, it will be done by your employer. The good thing about this is that you will be discussing this aspect of the job during the application process.

So, you can possibly negotiate the type of payment system that will be used once you are hired. Based on my experience, most companies or businesses usually use a convenient payment method like direct bank transfer or PayPal as the payment method.

But you must make sure that you will send an invoice to collect your salary. So, make sure that you know how to do that before you apply for any job position on We Work Remotely.

 Now, if you are interested in more sites that use a convenient payment method, I suggest you check out the top sites that pay via direct bank transfer as well.

How much money can you make?

The good thing about the job opportunities posted on We Work Remotely is that you will be able to negotiate the salary you will get. Of course, this means that you have prior knowledge about the going rate of the job you will do for them.

If you are already an experienced remote worker, you can demand a higher-than-market-value salary since you have proof that you can do the job. If you are new to remote work, then it’s quite hard to demand a higher salary because you are still inexperienced.

That is why the amount you can earn from this site will mostly depend on how experienced and skilled you are as a remote worker. One thing I can say, though, is that if you manage to land a job, you will be able to earn a decent amount since most of the jobs offered on the site require certain skill sets.

mobile version of we work remotely

Can you use it on mobile?

As mentioned earlier, most of the jobs offered on this site will require the use of a computer. So, in my opinion, there’s really no point in using a mobile app to access its member dashboard.

That being said, the site is optimized for mobile use, so you will be able to check for job opportunities conveniently using your mobile device. That’s about the only thing you can do on your mobile device when you access the member dashboard.

Who can join We Work Remotely?

Since we are talking about remote work, then you can expect that the site will be available worldwide. So, you should be able to sign up as a member regardless of where you live. Just keep in mind that some job offers have a geographic requirement, which means you must live in a certain country to get hired.

Signing up as a member is relatively straightforward. You must provide your email address and password. Then, you’ll be asked to choose the type of job you prefer. Plus, you’ll be asked to upload your resume as well so that potential employers can see your credentials immediately.

We Work Remotely has a unique feature you can take advantage of where they will review your resume and provide tips on how to improve it. You seldom find this feature for free on other job board sites. So, I suggest you take advantage of it if you decide to become a member.

how to join we work remotely
You can register as a basic member or pay a subscription fee to access more features.

Now, as mentioned earlier, We Work Remotely has membership types – two to be exact.

As you can see in the photo above, you can choose from a Basic or Pro account. The Basic account will grant you the minimum features, while the Pro type will grant you some additional benefits like more tailored job listings. However, a Pro account will cost $8.99 per month. So, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of each membership type before you decide which one you are going to choose.

But regardless of which membership type you choose, you will still have to go through a LinkedIn account verification process. So, you can’t become a verified member of the site if you don’t have a LinkedIn account.

Can you get support?

If you have questions about the site or your account, you can check out the Support page, which you can only access once you are logged in to the member dashboard. It discusses most of the basic topics you need to know about the site.

But if you can’t find the answers you need, you can contact the support department instead. To do so, you can use the contact form provided on the Support page.

Overall, I would say the site provides decent support to its members since it offers a convenient way for you to get in touch with the support team. However, if your concern is regarding the work or payment, you must get in touch with your employer because We Work Remotely won’t be able to help you with that.

Final Verdict

We Work Remotely is a legit job board site where you can find remote work opportunities to earn extra cash. It has a couple of decent features, but it also has certain limitations you must consider.

To help you with your decision, I have summarized its pros and cons so you can see a clear overview of what it offers.



  • Available worldwide
  • Will give you tips on how to improve your resume


  • Doesn’t offer guaranteed earnings
  • Requires a subscription fee to gain access to its full features

In my opinion, We Work Remotely is not for everyone. If you are already an experienced remote worker who has the skills to do the jobs offered by the site, then this can be a good way to find extra opportunities to earn. But if you are new to the site, you might find it hard to find jobs that you are eligible for.

That’s why if you are new to remote work, I suggest you check out how to build your own online business instead. You’ll have a better chance at starting your own online business so that you can earn even when you sleep.

Now, if you are looking for simpler ways to earn extra cash, I suggest you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites on this list all have good earning potential, so you will be able to earn a decent amount in no time.

Plus, all of the sites and apps on this list offer guaranteed earnings.

If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with We Work Remotely, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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