GrapeData Review: Legit or a Scam? (Full Truth Revealed)

GrapeData Rating

GrapeData is a decent survey site as it pays well per survey and it offers a convenient payment method. However, in some countries and industries, you just won’t find a lot of opportunities.

Are you looking for a way to earn some extra cash online? And do you want to do it in a way where you can work when it fits you?

GrapeData is a platform that promises you both. It claims it can turn your expert insights into cash and rewards.

But is GrapeData legit and really a great way to earn some extra cash, or is it a scam you need to stay away from?

I have tested the platform thoroughly, and in this GrapeData review, you will get the full truth about what it really has to offer so you can determine if it is a site worth joining or not.

So, let’s go ahead and take an in-depth look at GrapeData.

What is GrapeData, and what does it offer?

GrapeData is a special kind of survey site that will allow you to earn by answering surveys that are related to the industry you are working in.

And let me reveal right away that it indeed is a legit survey site that will actually pay you for answering these surveys.

But that does not necessarily mean it will be worth your time. To find out, we first have to take a closer look at the earning opportunity it offers. That way, you can better understand how GrapeData works and how well you can earn from it.

I have made a video that gives you an inside look and shows exactly how you can earn from GrapeData. It will also show you payment proof. You can also read all the details below the video:

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The earning opportunity – Personalized tasks

GrapeData is a platform where you are rewarded for the knowledge you share. And you can do that by completing the personalized tasks it offers. All these tasks will be done in a survey format.

grapedata tasks
You have to complete industry-specific surveys to earn.

When you log in to the site or their app (yes, they do have a mobile app, and I will discuss more about it later), you will immediately see all the tasks you can do. As mentioned above, these tasks will be in a survey format.

These surveys/tasks are targeted to you based on your industry or country, either to ask your opinion as a consumer or for you to share your insight as a professional.

These tasks allow you to share your personal insight and knowledge in return for a fixed reward, which you will see on your dashboard.

However, some of these tasks/surveys will sometimes require you to do more than just answer several questions. You will sometimes receive surveys/tasks that don’t exactly fit your profile. In this case, you can interview your friends or other contacts who may fit the target profile instead.

When answering these kinds of surveys/tasks, I would strongly recommend not making up answers just to complete them. Instead, you can call people you know that fit the profile and ask them the questions provided in the task, and input their responses. That would be the ideal thing to do.

While Grapedata has no way of really knowing whether the answers you’ve provided come from qualified people or not, it is common courtesy, in my opinion, to provide the site with real and honest answers.

This is because the opinion you provide will actually affect the industry that the survey is intended for. That’s why it is always best to provide real and honest answers.

Once you complete a survey, GrapeData will review all your answers, and if everything checks out, they will credit the reward to your GrapeData account (I will discuss later how to withdraw your earnings).

But just a heads up, though, some of the surveys will require you to complete it multiple times before you will actually earn the reward.

grapedata task history
To figure out how many times you have to complete a survey, you can check the task history and check the Points section.

You will know how many times you will need to complete the survey before you earn the reward by checking the “Task History” section of their dashboard. As shown in the photo above, in the “Points” section, you will see how many times you need to complete the survey before you will earn the reward.

So, simply continue answering the survey until you meet the required points to complete it. When that happens, the reward will be credited to your GrapeData account.

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How do you get paid?

The main issue I encountered when I was testing GrapeData was that they don’t exactly do a good job of explaining how the payment system works.

I know that for every survey/task you complete, you will earn a specific amount, and it will be credited to your GrapeData account balance.

I also know they only pay via PayPal. But as for whether or not you need to reach a certain threshold before you can withdraw your earnings, the site and app don’t really tell you right away. So, I did a bit of research and found out they don’t actually have a threshold you need to reach to withdraw your earnings.

Instead, they will pay you via PayPal at the end of the month for whatever amount you’ve earned for that month. While that is certainly a convenient payment system, in my opinion, it would have been better if they were more transparent with how their payment system works.

That way, you will feel more comfortable about working on their site because you will know right away when you will get paid.

How much money can you make?

The amount of money you can earn from GrapeData will naturally depend on how many surveys you can complete.

But overall, GrapeData pays relatively well for every survey you manage to complete. So that makes it easier to earn compared to some other survey sites.

You will usually earn around $20 to $40 per survey, which is actually quite high, in my opinion. So, it all boils down to how many surveys are available for you and how many you are able to complete. Unfortunately, you can’t really control that aspect of the site.

The number of surveys available to you will all depend on the industry you work in as well as your location. So, there are industries and countries that offer more surveys than others.

profiling survey of grapedata
To increase your chances of receiving survey invites, you have to answer their profiling survey.

The only thing you can do to maximize your earnings from this site is really to make sure you complete your profile. So, when you first log in to the site, I would suggest you first answer all the profiling surveys to ensure you have gained access to the most surveys possible.

But overall, I would say the site has good earning potential because they pay quite well per surveys. You just have to be a bit more patient if you are in an industry or country that doesn’t have a lot of opportunities.

Can you use it on mobile?

As mentioned earlier, GrapeData has a mobile app you can download so you can answer surveys on your mobile with relative ease.

This can help you become a more efficient earner since you can earn anytime and anywhere because you don’t have to sit in front of a computer to answer surveys.

mobile app of grapedata
The GrapeData app is available for download in both Android and iOS app stores.

The GrapeData app is available for both Android and iOS devices, so compatibility won’t really be a problem. Plus, their app is user-friendly, so it’s pretty easy to learn how to use it.

Who can join GrapeData?

The good thing about GrapeData is it is available more or less worldwide. It supports 87 countries, so there’s a high chance you will be able to register as a member.

grapedata registration
To register as a member, you also have to provide your mobile number apart from the usual login details.

And speaking of registering as a member, you have to be at least 18 years of age to join. To register, all you have to do is click the sign-up button on their website. You can also sign-up using the app. But as shown in the photo above, in order to register, you will have to provide your mobile number.

So, if you are not comfortable sharing your mobile number with them, then GrapeData is not for you because there is no way around it.

Also, be aware that your phone number will be used to send you text messages when there are new tasks available.

When you are done filling out the sign-up form, GrapeData will send a text message with the activation code. Simply input the activation code to complete the registration.

Once you’ve done that, you can log in to the site and start answering surveys. But I do recommend you provide your PayPal address first to make sure you will receive your earnings.

Can you get support?

In my opinion, the site doesn’t really do a good job of explaining how the site works in detail. It only gives you a general idea of how the site works.

While there is a tutorial you can do once you are logged in to their dashboard, it would still have been better if they provided the necessary info beforehand.

Also, they don’t have a FAQ page you can refer to if you have any questions about the site.

Now, if you have any questions about the site or your account, they do offer a way for you to get in touch with their support team. You can use the contact form provided on the site or inside the app.

However, I have been in contact with their support, and I was actually shocked by the tone they used in their communication. It was very poor communication and not helpful at all, and out of all the hundreds of sites I have tested, I have rarely come across communication this poor.

Maybe I was just unlucky and got in contact with a staff member that had a bad day or did not care about providing service. I cannot say for sure as I have only been in contact with them once. Maybe you will be luckier if you contact them.

But overall, I would say they have a decent support system in place for its members since they provide a way for you to communicate with the support team. But I do wish they would explain more about how the site works, especially when it comes to the payment system.

Final Verdict

GrapeData is a legit survey site that will pay you for answering industry-specific surveys. It has a couple of good qualities, but it also has some drawbacks you need to consider.

So, let me conclude this review with a summary of its pros and cons to give you an overview of what the site has to offer. That way, you can decide if this site is a good fit for you or not.



  • Offers payment via PayPal
  • Available globally
  • High rewards for most surveys
  • Has a mobile app you can use


  • Limited earning opportunities offered
  • Their site doesn’t explain clearly how their payment system works
  • I have had a poor experience with their support

Overall, I would say GrapeData is a decent survey site. It pays well, and it offers a convenient payment method. However, in some countries and industries, you just won’t find a lot of opportunities on GrapeData.

And overall, the surveys available will be relatively few. While you may be able to earn a decent amount for the surveys you sometimes get, you really can’t rely on it as a stable source of extra cash.

If you are looking for good sites where you can find surveys every day, I would recommend you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites on this list all have good earning potential and will allow you to earn rewards on a regular basis.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with GrapeData yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

37 thoughts on “GrapeData Review: Legit or a Scam? (Full Truth Revealed)”

  1. Initially I thought too good to be true, theres not many tasks , but eventually there’s a task for immunology assays, anyhow I submitted a total of 17 and out of that I was paid and accepted for 4, mind you the four accepted were no different from any other , other than different people different companies, different answers, but ALL WERE QUALIFIED AS FAR AS PROFESSIONAL, COMPANIES, ALL USES FLUROSPOT OR ELISPOT , the ones accepted were no different but they declined them my theory is , they accept some out of say 10 it’s says you can make up to 1000 , up to ten submissions, but reality no matter what only going to get paid for 4 JUST SAY THAT SAY YOU CAN ONKY DO FOUR , what happens to the declined responses my theory is they submit that shyt and get paid but who knows


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