How Much Money Can You Make from Surveys? (Full Truth from REAL Survey Taker)

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One of the easiest ways to earn extra cash online is to join survey sites. Of course, you need to make sure you join great and legit survey sites.

And you also need to do it with the right expectations, and many are not sure exactly what to expect.

So how much money can you really make from paid surveys in a month?

There are several factors that contribute to the earning potential of survey sites and the amount of money you can earn from them.

After having taken thousands of online surveys myself over the past seven years, I know exactly how it works, what you can expect, and how to get the most out of this opportunity, and I will share all this in this guide.

So, let’s go ahead and get cracking.

Why you have to be careful about believing videos and articles about paid surveys

When you do your research on online paid surveys, you will eventually encounter videos and articles about how much money you can earn taking surveys.

Some of them will make very big claims, and others will say you basically cannot make anything.

truth about survey videos
You can find a lot of info about paid surveys online, BUT not all of it is truthful.

However, you need to be wary of these videos and articles as not all of them are completely transparent.

The reality is, many of those videos and articles are not actually from people who have taken paid surveys. Most of the videos I’ve encountered are from people that already have a large number of followers, and these people have an agenda.

Their agendas can range from bashing or promoting survey sites or just making an entertaining video hoping it would go viral so they can get more views.

Don’t get me wrong, there are videos and articles that do tell the truth, but most of them are really just also trying to earn for themselves by either pushing you to sign up with exaggerated claims or pushing you towards signing up for their own training (they get paid to promote) instead and will therefore tell you surveys are a waste of time compared to their opportunity.

I’m also not saying it is wrong to want to make money online by promoting things, as that is completely fine. I just wish more people were telling the truth at the same time.

And these lies are the reason that sometimes you can find a lot of negative info about paid surveys.

So, when you are watching videos or reading articles about paid surveys, just be aware of this and be careful who you trust.

Now, the question is, what really affects the amount of money you can earn from taking surveys? Let’s go over the factors in the next sections.

Does your country matter?

The main contributing factor to how much you can earn from a survey site is your location. So, to answer the question above, YES, your country matters.

You see, the number of paid surveys that will be available to you will actually depend on the country you live.

The reason why we can get paid to take surveys is because companies are willing to pay for market research, and there are just more companies willing to pay for market research in some countries than others.

In my experience, if you live in countries like the US, UK, and Canada, you will gain access to the most surveys. This is because most companies that request surveys are based in these countries.

However, there are also many other countries where you can find very good opportunities.

But overall, companies that pay us to take surveys usually need respondents from their actual market.

So, if you live in, for example, Singapore, you have no business answering surveys intended for people who live in the US (however, as a side note, you can also find a lot of survey opportunities in Singapore).

The answers you will provide will simply have no bearing for the company that requested that specific survey. Hence, you won’t even get asked to answer that survey.

using vpn on survey sites
You can't use a VPN when working on survey sites because it will get you banned.

Now, if you are thinking you can get around this kind of restriction by using a VPN, then let me advise you not to go through with it. Using a VPN on a survey site is not allowed. It’s equivalent to fraud since you are actually tricking the site into thinking you live somewhere else.

This kind of thing will get your account banned because it’s basically stealing. And believe me, survey sites will detect users who use VPNs quite quickly. In some cases, you won’t get banned, but the site will not allow you to withdraw your earnings. So, there’s really no point in trying. You’ll just be wasting your time.

So, if you want to find the best survey sites to join in your country, I would recommend you check out the top survey sites in your country.

Can you make a living from paid surveys?

One important thing you need to take away from this guide is, taking paid surveys is not a way to make a living. The amount you can earn from these sites will in no way compare to what you can earn from a full-time job.

That’s not what it is meant for. Paid surveys are really meant for market research, so you can share feedback about certain products and/or services. So, if you want your opinion to be heard, this is one of the best ways to do it.

Also, it is one of the easiest and fastest ways to start making money online, as you can start earning right away, and it can be a good way to earn a bit of “spending money” so to speak.

But there are some things you need to do to optimize the amount of money you can earn from survey sites, and I will talk about it in the next section.

How to get the most out of paid survey sites

There are a few ways things you can do to maximize your earnings from these sites. Think of these as the best practices to follow when you want to earn from survey sites.

I just want to make it clear that this is something I have found out after taking thousands of online surveys myself and found the best way to optimize my time.

So it is not just random advice but something I actually know from personal experience will work and boost your earnings from survey sites.

Tip #1 – Join several survey sites

One good way to earn more from paid survey sites is to join several sites. This will give you access to more surveys because survey sites offer different surveys.

And as you can probably tell, when you have more opportunities to answer surveys, you can then possibly earn more.

If you are just starting out, I would recommend you join around 6 to 8 survey sites. But if you are already pretty experienced with survey sites, you can always join more.

Tip #2 – Fill out your profile

This is a very important step to maximizing your earnings from a survey site. Once you join a survey site, make sure you fill out your profile immediately so the platform will know right away which paid surveys to send your way.

The information you provide in this section will be used to match you with the paid surveys they offer. That’s why it’s very important to do it right away.

And the good thing about filling out your profile is, in many cases, you will actually get paid to fill out your profile. However, there are also sites that won’t pay you. But regardless, you should still take the time to fill it out and be as honest as possible.

Tip #3 – Use your mobile device

Most survey sites nowadays are mobile-friendly, and some even have their own survey app. So, you will be able to answer surveys conveniently from your mobile device.

But why is this important?

You see, survey sites usually operate on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Each survey has a set number of respondents allowed before it closes. If it reaches that number, any respondent that will try to answer it will automatically not qualify.

So, if you are able to access a survey as soon as possible even when you are not in front of your computer, then you will have a higher chance of qualifying for that survey, and therefore, you will have a higher chance of earning.

Tip #4 – Don’t give up if you don’t qualify

Lastly, don’t give up answering surveys if you don’t qualify. This is really just the nature of paid survey sites. Sometimes you qualify, and sometimes you don’t. Not qualifying for a survey happens to everyone.

On most sites, you will know within a minute or so if you don’t qualify. So, it really doesn’t take long. If ever you fail to qualify, then just continue to the next available survey.

Sometimes, you are answering a survey for around 10 minutes, and then you suddenly get a message that you fail to qualify for the survey. I personally find this very frustrating, but it’s just how it is. You just have to move on to the next opportunity.

Fortunately, not a lot of good survey sites do that. If it happens quite a lot from a certain survey site, then you can just focus on other survey sites where you don’t encounter that so you can prioritize your time correctly.

How much can you earn taking surveys?

Now, let’s proceed to the golden question. How much can you make from surveys in a month?

It is hard to give an exact answer to this, but let me give you a couple of examples.

how much can you earn
There's no guarantee you will earn an exact amount from paid surveys every month.

Let’s say you live in the US, and you join several survey sites, and you invest a significant amount of time on these sites.

Then it is actually quite realistic to make around $500 to $1000 per month by taking surveys from these sites.

But again, this is NOT A GUARANTEE. It is important to remember that so you won’t get disappointed. Of course, it depends on how many sites you join and how much time you invest on these sites. All I’m saying is that it is possible.

In many countries, it would probably be around $300 to $600 a month, which is a pretty decent amount, in my opinion.

In countries where there aren’t a lot of opportunities, you might be able to earn around $150 to $200 per month. But again, this is not a guarantee. It’s just a possibility. The best way to find out is to observe it for a couple of months and track your earnings.

But there’s one thing you also have to consider. Usually, in most countries where you can earn the most, the cost of living is also actually pretty high and the countries with the lowest earning opportunities from surveys will have a relatively low cost of living. So, the value of the money you will earn will relatively be quite close.

So, the bottom line is, you can earn a pretty decent amount of extra money from answering surveys regardless of where you live. You just need to make sure you join the right survey sites.

What if you can’t find paid surveys?

If you live in a country where you can’t actually find any good sites to join, or if you are just looking to earn extra cash a different way, I would recommend you check out realistic ways to make money online for free and fast without taking surveys.

This will give you many examples of sites you can join that will allow you to earn extra cash in different ways.

Final thoughts

To conclude, there’s no fixed amount to how much you can make from surveys. It will all depend on how many sites you can join and how much time you are willing to invest in these sites.

And the amount you can earn will not compare to the amount you will earn from a full-time job.

However, as mentioned earlier, you will be able to earn a decent amount of extra cash if you are willing to exercise patience and put in a bit of effort. That’s really the best way to maximize your earnings from paid survey sites.

And you, first of all, need to make sure to join the best survey sites in your country to get the best possible opportunities.

If you have any comments or questions about how much money can you make from surveys, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

22 thoughts on “How Much Money Can You Make from Surveys? (Full Truth from REAL Survey Taker)”

  1. I keep seeing that it is a possibility to make 500-1000 a month doing surveys.
    But how when the amounts are so small?


  2. Hello, in the example of the 500 to 1000 usd monthly, how much daily time in average should I be doing surveys to earn this amount?


    • As mentioned above, it depends a lot on your profile and your country. In some countries it will not be possible to reach at all. But even in the countries with the most countries, it will take quite a bit of effort to reach that level, if you only use surveys as a way to earn. But you can earn faster, if you combine it with other methods also.

  3. Hi, very interesting article. I really enjoy your site. If I can write here my own comparisons and experiences: so, in the article you write that in locations where the cost of living is higher there are better paid surveys. But that’s only partially true, as it goes hand in hand with the number of opportunities that exist in a given country. Of course, I would put the USA in first place in terms of earnings for paid surveys. I would put the United Kingdom in second place. According to the cost of living, it fits there. There is certainly a higher monthly cost of living in the US than in the UK. The difference can be 20 to 30%. But this model does not fit, for example, in Switzerland, where the monthly cost of living is probably the highest worldwide, and the difference with the USA can be 100%, but despite this, surveys there are paid a lower amount than in the United Kingdom. There, in turn, the fact that there are significantly fewer opportunities for surveys in Switzerland than in the UK or the USA plays a big role. So much for earnings in individual locations. I will pause for a moment on possible cheating, and the use of VPN that you mentioned. It’s a scam, and I personally don’t approve of it, but I still don’t see how it could help anyone. After all, even if the company cannot identify the VPN for him, he still has to go through a verification process at least before the first payment, either in the form of an identity card or verification by sending a code to a mobile number. So in this case, the whole VPN would be of no use to him anyway, since he would actually be in another country, and would not pass the verification process. That’s my opinion. Have a nice day and nice earnings.

    • Thanks for sharing your opinion.

      You are right that it is not that linear with the earning potential. But my main point is that some people complain that they live in, for example, Africa and cannot get paid the same for surveys as in the US, and my point is that this would not make sense for the companies, and we as survey takers have to understand why we can get paid to participate. If this is something we try to do for a living, it is not the right options, and I always make this very clear and that is my main point in the article above also.

      About VPN, I completely agree and that is why I also always tell people that not only is it fraud to use VPN when taking surveys but they will also just end up getting banned and not get paid.

      • Hi, thanks for the reply. That’s right, I agree that survey earnings can’t be the only main income. It would be possible, for example, in the case of receiving a half-disability pension, that the total income would increase. Or a person from a low-cost-of-living country would have to fill out surveys in a high-cost-of-living country with great survey opportunities, but he would have to cheat, and in that case all the surveys would be ineffective, and the companies would be doomed , and we don’t want that.

          • it is completely enough for me if I earn, for example, a monthly fee for a mobile phone and optical internet, so I can then say that the use of the internet and mobile phone is basically free for me. And it doesn’t take much time for me either. And everything else is just a bonus for me. Better not to have too high expectations and enjoy every cent. Have a nice day.

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