StickK Review: Worth Joining? (An In-Depth Look)

StickK Rating

If your goal is to earn extra cash, then StickK is not the right fit for you. But if you are looking for a tool to help you achieve your goals, it can be worth considering, in my opinion.

StickK is a platform that claims to help you achieve any goal you want. If you are looking to lose weight or learn a skill, this might be something you are interested in.

However, before you hit the sign-up button, I recommend you read this StickK review.

It will give you an in-depth look at what StickK has to offer so you will know exactly what to expect from it. Then you can decide if it is truly worth joining or not.

So, let’s go ahead and examine what StickK is all about, shall we?

What is StickK, and what does it offer?

StickK is an incentive and accountability tool people can use to achieve various goals.

It is indeed a legit platform since it offers a way to help you reach any goal you want. But the question is, is it worth it?

Well, the only way to find out is to understand how it works, and the best way to do that is to examine the opportunity it offers so you will have a clear idea of how the platform operates.

So here’s how StickK works.

The opportunity – Commitment contracts

First and foremost, let me make it clear that you will not earn anything from StickK. In fact, it will be the other way around.

You will instead lose money if you fail to achieve the goals you set, so if you are mainly looking for a platform to earn extra cash from, this is not the opportunity for you.

What StickK offers is a way to help you reach your goal by drawing up a commitment contract. The premise of this contract is relatively simple. You choose a goal you want to achieve (like losing weight, learning a language or skill, or just anything you want), and then stake some money to ensure that you work hard to achieve that goal.

how stickk works
You have to create a commitment contract to help you stay motivated to reach your goal.

You see, StickK realized that if there’s money involved, people are more motivated to work their butt off to achieve the goal they set. Because if they don’t hit the goal, they end up losing money. StickK even took it to the next level.

When you stake money on StickK, you will be given the choice of where the money goes if you fail to reach your goal. You can donate it to charity or even anti-charities (for added motivation). You can even send the money to your enemy or friend.

The first thing you need to do is pick a goal. Once you’ve done that, you need to set the timetable to reach the goal. Then, you need to indicate how the reporting works (yes, you have to submit a report to guarantee that you are doing what needs to be done).

In my opinion, if you want to hit the goal so badly, daily reporting is your best option because you will be forced to give reports every day regarding your progress. This will be added motivation to keep working, in my opinion.

After you’ve set the reporting method, you have to indicate how much money you want to stake in your contract. The minimum amount you can stake is $5.

stickk commitment summary
The summary will show you how much money you will potentially lose if you fail to achieve your goal.

When you complete this step, you will be shown your commitment summary, and you will see how much money you will lose if you fail to hit the goal. Once the summary is completed, all that’s left is to do the work necessary to achieve your goal.

This is an effective way to motivate someone to reach a certain goal. The threat of losing money can be a huge motivating factor for someone to work hard. I would even go as far as to say that it is more motivating than the idea of earning money when reaching a goal, in my opinion.

In the next section, I will discuss how you will be able to pay StickK if you don’t reach the goal you set. Another thing you need to know about setting a commitment is that you can include a referee to monitor your progress.

stickk referee
You can have someone be the referee to ensure that you are on track to meet your goal.

This referee will stand as the person who will validate all the reports you submit. They serve as an extra layer of accountability to truly help you reach your goal. The referee can be any member of StickK or really anyone you want to become your mediator.

Just make sure that before you choose a referee, they also understand what the responsibility entails. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting their time and yours too.

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How do you get paid?

As mentioned earlier, you will not earn anything from the opportunity StickK offers. Instead, the reward you will get is the goal you will achieve.

stickk payment method
You have to use your credit card to pay for the amount staked in the commitment contract.

As explained earlier, you have the option to stake some money every time you create a commitment contract. Of course, you can also just use the free method, but that won’t be very effective, in my opinion, because you don’t stand to lose anything if you fail to reach your goal.

And as shown in the photo above, you’ll have to use your credit card to pay for the amount in case you don’t reach your goal. The amount will only be deducted from your credit card if you fail to hit your goal, so you have to do your best to avoid losing money.

Now if your goal is to earn extra cash, I suggest you check out the top sites that pay via PayPal instead.

Can you use it on mobile?

StickK has a mobile app you can download, so you don’t have to sit in front of a computer when drawing a commitment contract.

stickk app
The app will work with both Android and iOS devices.

The app will work with both Android and iOS devices, and it has all the features of the web-based platform. It is also relatively easy to use, so you won’t have a hard time getting used to it.

Plus, you will not encounter any annoying pop-up ads while using it. If you are intent on joining StickK, I highly recommend you install the app so you won’t miss a chance to submit reports since you don’t have to sit in front of a computer to do so.

Who can join StickK?

StickK doesn’t tell you exactly which countries it is available in, but from what I can gather, it is available more or less worldwide. To sign up, you can go to the website or you can also install the app first.

how to join stickk
You just have to fill out the sign-up form to become a member of StickK.

You do have to be at least 13 years of age to join. Just fill out the registration form, and once you are done, you will be taken to the tutorial section of the platform. I suggest you go through this tutorial so you will understand completely how StickK works. Once you are done with the tutorial, you can start setting up commitment contracts.

Can you get support?

If you have any questions about StickK or your account, you can check out the Help Center page. It discusses most of the basic topics you need to know about StickK. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, you can just get in touch with the support team.

To do so, just fill out the form on the Contact Us page. Overall, I would say StickK provides decent support to its members since it is very transparent with how the site works, and it offers a convenient way for you to ask for assistance.

Final Verdict

StickK is a legit platform that will help you achieve any goal you want. It has a couple of decent features, but it also has some glaring limitations you need to consider.

Let me conclude this review by summarizing its pros and cons to give you an overview of what it has to offer. Then you can decide if it is the right opportunity for you or not.



  • Will really help motivate you to reach your goal
  • The app is user-friendly
  • Available more or less worldwide


  • Doesn’t offer any earning opportunities
  • You can potentially lose money

In my opinion, if your goal is to earn extra cash, then StickK is not the right fit for you. But if you are looking for a tool to help you achieve your goals, this can be worth considering, in my opinion.

The way the platform works is actually quite brilliant, in my opinion. They leverage your money to help you achieve any goal you want. I have only encountered a few platforms like this, but StickK, in my opinion, is the most flexible one.

Most other platforms just help you with your fitness goals, but with StickK, you can set any goal you want, which is its main upside.

Now if your goal is to earn extra cash, I suggest you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites on this list all have good earning potential, so you will be able to earn a decent amount in a short period of time.

If you have any comments, questions, or experience with StickK, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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