Is UserTribe Legit or a Scam? (Real User Review)

UserTribe Rating

UserTribe (aka Sonar) is a legit user-testing site that pays pretty well for every test you complete. You just need to be aware that there can be far between the tests you qualify for.

There are many free ways to earn online nowadays. You can, for example, earn by answering surveys or completing small tasks. You can also earn a decent amount if you are good at paying attention to detail.

This review will focus more on the latter. If you have the knack for figuring out how something works, then joining a user-testing site is one good way to earn extra cash.

If this is your first time hearing about this type of site, it is a type of online rewards site where you will get paid for testing a site or app and providing feedback. Companies do this to get improve their services and products.

One site that offers this kind of opportunity is called UserTribe (aka Sonar). But is UserTribe legit and really a way to earn some extra money, or is it a scam?

Let me just answer that question right away. Yes, UserTribe is a legit site that does pay you. But this doesn't necessarily mean you will be able to earn a decent amount of money from this site.

This UserTribe review will take an in-depth look at everything the site has to offer so you can see for yourself if this site is indeed worth your time or not.

What is UserTribe, and what does it offer?

UserTribe, as explained above, is a user-testing site that will pay you for participating in their studies.

Let's just start by clarifying the name to avoid confusion. UserTribe has now merged with Sonar into one brand, they say. However, both brand still have their own website, so this can be a bit confusing.

And at the time of updating this review, you still need to go to the UserTribe website to find a link to sign up as a tester. But whether you hear about UserTribe user testing or Sonar, it is the same company and platform.

UserTribe helps companies that partner with them receive valuable insight that empowers their business to make great customer experiences.

I first heard about this platform recently when I saw an ad on Facebook that offered me to take part in a project – and it looked quite interesting, so I decided to participate.

And let me just reveal right away that it is legit, and I did end up getting paid by them for the project (but more about the reward methods later).

Now, let’s start by taking a closer look at the earning opportunities it offers. So, here's how you can earn from UserTribe.

I have made a video that will explain exactly how it works. You can also read all the details below the video:

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Option 1 – Paid studies

The main way you can earn from UserTribe is by participating in their studies. When you participate in a study, you will get paid for your time.

Here's a short video explaining what paid studies are:

When you successfully sign up as a member, you will then be included in the list of people who are qualified to participate in a study.

When you qualify for a study, you will receive an email notification. You simply have to click the link to see the instructions.

Each test will require a specific device (tablet, mobile phone, laptop, or desktop). So, before you go ahead and do the test, make sure you have access to the required device. You will also need a headset with a microphone because you will have to record yourself while explaining what you are doing.

You will also need software that will allow you to record your voice and your screen. Fortunately, they will provide you with that through a Google Chrome plug-in called UserTribe Recorder. The download link will be included in the email you will receive.

Now, each test/study will contain instructions that you need to follow to the letter. This is important because if you miss a step, your work might not get accepted, and you won't receive the reward.

When you partake in a study for UserTribe, you will have to think aloud. This means that you will express your thoughts through talk while you are going through the flow of tasks. So, if you are not comfortable doing that, then this site is not for you.

In the first study I participated in, I, for example, had to go through a sign-up process for a new banking service and share my thoughts about each step, and answer specific questions for each step.

As for the reward you will get, every test/study is different. Different tests offer different levels of compensation. You might receive cash as compensation, or you might receive gift cards. It will all depend on the test/study being offered (I will talk about the compensation later).

Once you've finished the test/study, you will have to submit your work for checking. Once they've finished reviewing your work, they will then send the compensation.

Usually, this will be within 10 business days.

But be aware that it is not like many other sites where you sign up and get access to a member's area and can choose between the projects they have.

There is not as such any members area, but after signing up, you will instead just receive an email when there is a new study.

Sometimes, there can be far between the studies, so you just have to set your expectations right and not expect constant projects you can participate in.

Option 2 – Referral program

You will supposedly also be rewarded for inviting people to join the site. UserTribe mentions it has a referral program in place, just like most other online rewards sites.

However, they don't really elaborate on how their referral program works. In my experience, you will usually be able to invite people to join the site by sharing with them your invite link.

They then have to use that link when registering to the site. That way, UserTribe will be able to track who referred to the member. You will then receive a certain reward once the person successfully registers as a member.

However, since UserTribe does not have a members area where you can find such a link, you do not automatically get access to the referral program.

All you can see is that in the registration process, they mention that sometimes you can earn by referring others.

So it seems this option is not always available and it is only on special occasions you will be able to earn like this.

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How do you get paid?

The good thing about UserTribe is that unlike most survey and Get-Paid-To (GPT) sites, you don't have to reach a certain threshold in order to withdraw or redeem your reward. You will be paid once you complete a study.

usertribe compensation
UserTribe will compensate you after each study.

When you complete a study, UserTribe will use the email address you gave them during registration to send you your gift card (or whatever the reward is).

So, it might take a while before you will receive your reward. It typically takes 10 business days to handle all gift cards.

You will always be told exactly what type of compensation you will get before you start a task.

Sometimes, you will be paid in the form of an Amazon Gift Card or other gift cards, which will be delivered digitally to your email. Other times, you may receive payment via PayPal. All payments are made in your local currency.

I personally like that you don't have to reach a certain threshold before you can withdraw or redeem your rewards. It makes it easier and quicker to see the fruits of your labor.

If you are interested in more sites that will allow you to receive your rewards/earnings quickly, I recommend you check out the fastest paying sites.

How much money can you make?

The amount of money you can make from UserTribe will mostly depend on how often you will receive study invites and how many you can actually complete.

They do pay pretty well, so the time-to-money ratio is pretty high, especially if the study takes longer to complete or it requires complicated steps to finish.

In the first study I did, I received a $75 gift card for a study that took around 30 minutes. This is also the highest reward I have been offered there, and most are lower.

But the exact size of the reward will depend on the country you live in and the study. It varies a lot, so there is no set reward you get – but overall, you usually do get quite decent compensation for your time.

As for improving your chances of receiving study invites, unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee you will be receiving one regularly.

So, I would say that you will be able to earn a decent amount from UserTribe. Just don't expect to earn it on a regular basis. If you want to earn regularly, I suggest you check out the top GPT sites instead.

Can you use it on mobile?

usertribe mobile site

The answer to this question will entirely depend on the test being offered to you. If the test asks you to do it on a mobile device, you will have to do it on a mobile device. If it asks you to do the test on a computer, you have no choice but to do it on a computer.

Now, if a test asks you to do it on a mobile device, you will have to download the screen recording software for your mobile device before you can proceed.

The good thing is that they will provide you with the download link for the app, so you don't have to search for it in the app store.

As for their website, it is mobile-friendly, which means you will be able to read the content properly without having to zoom in.

Who can join UserTribe?

The good thing about UserTribe is that it is available globally. You can sign up as a tester regardless of where you live.

usertribe sign-up
Becoming a tester is fairly simple. You just have to go through their registration process.

All you have to do is complete the registration process by clicking the “Sign up to become a tester” button. As mentioned at the beginning of this review, you need to do this on the UserTribe website. It will then take you to a sign-up form on the Sonar website, which is a bit confusing.

It asks you several questions about yourself. This is the part where you can build your profile.

So, you have to answer honestly because they will use the information you've provided to qualify you for tests.

They don't mention the age required to participate, but typically, in my experience, a site like this will require that you are at least 18 years old or above to participate.

usertribe sign up complete
When you finish the sign-up process, you will have to wait to be invited for studies.

Once you've completed the sign-up process, you are now eligible to take the tests being offered to you.

You just need to be on the lookout for available tests. So, make sure to make it a habit to check your email inbox regularly.

One thing worth mentioning about their site, though, is that even though it is available globally, their clients decide where in the world they want to test.

So, it is hard to guarantee tests in your country. All you can really hope to do is sign up as a tester and keep an eye on your inbox. Maybe the next client will need testers in your country.

But there is no guarantee you will ever get one, so it can take some patience, depending on the country you live in.

Can you get support?

There isn't really a lot of information on their website about being a tester. All you get are the basic topics of what a tester has to do to get rewarded.

They also don't have a contact form you can use to get in touch with their support team. But you will be able to contact their support team by emailing them at In my opinion, it's a serviceable way to get in touch with their team.

But it would also have been great if they explained more in detail what being a tester is all about. That could give you, at least, a better picture of what the site offers. It can also be a good way to entice people to become a tester.

But overall, I would still say that they do provide decent support for their members.

Final Verdict

UserTribe is a legit user-testing site that rewards you for participating in studies and for inviting people to join the site. It offers a couple of good features, but it also has certain limitations.

So, let's end this review with a summary of its pros and cons to give you an overview of what the site is all about. That way, you can better decide if you should become a tester or not.



  • No payout threshold is required
  • High rewards
  • Can be fun to participate in tests


  • Doesn't guarantee you can earn on a regular basis
  • Some countries offer more tests than others
  • Website lacks relevant information

The good thing about UserTribe, in my opinion, is it pays pretty well for every test you complete.

You also don't have to reach any threshold to start redeeming your rewards because they will pay you right away. So, it's pretty convenient because you will receive what was promised once you complete a test.

The downside is that you can't really expect to earn a steady amount from this site because the tests are few and far between. So, the earning potential, in my opinion, won't be that high.

But overall, it can still serve as a decent secondary site to earn from to supplement what you can earn from other sites. Just make sure to temper your expectations properly.

If you are more interested in sites that will allow you to earn a steady amount, I suggest you check out the top survey sites in your country instead. The sites on this list all have good earning potential.

Plus, you will definitely find a site you can join and find regular options regardless of where you live.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with UserTribe yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Is UserTribe Legit or a Scam? (Real User Review)”

  1. Wao thanks again for the time saving I wish we can share other places but you just do general overview which is enough for me once I got the place that works I teach how so far very few but have some more researching crypto and non crypto so far usertesting is the best:

    *MOST REQUIRES MICROFONE, WEBCAM, WEB EXTENSIONS or SOFTWARE and not every test qualifies! or AVAILABLE for some contries. Most don’t have referral program ;-(


    USERTESTING recomended needs review:

    Pays to paypal every 6 days estimated $10 or above!


    The test are on invites no dashboard
    Pays via paypal or gifcards every 10 days estimated $10 or above!

    The test invites are far less than that of a competitor such as

    Pays $2 to $3 for 30 minute projects to ??? estimated payouts are $69 (3 test) a month or $250 (PRO) a month.

    Pays every 21 days estimated $10 or above!

  2. Sir I am a student and I actually from india I have tried survey sites but they really didn’t work for me.Now I am trying to do test with the website like usertesting in phone but I haven’t got any test after applying . Can you give me website that can give me money like 300-400$ per month just by doing testing sites or doing task


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