Audio Bee Review: Legit or a Scam? (Full Truth Revealed)

Audio Bee Rating

Audio Bee isn’t necessarily a good site to join unless you are already very good at transcribing. If you are looking for ways to just start earning right away without training and tests, then there are better options.

Audio Bee is a website that claims you can earn money by doing audio transcription and more.

If you are decent at typing and are looking for ways to earn online, this might be something you are considering.

But is Audie Bee legit and really a great online job, or is it a scam you need to avoid?

Since this is the most important thing you need to know, let me just reveal right away that Audio Bee is indeed a legit audio transcription site that will pay you for transcribing audio files and doing other similar tasks.

Now, the question is, is it worth joining or not?

This Audio Bee review will reveal the full truth so you’ll know exactly what to expect before you even join. That way, you can decide if it is a good fit for you or not.

So, let’s go ahead and take a closer look at this site, shall we?

What is Audio Bee, and what does it offer?

As mentioned above, Audio Bee is an audio transcription website that will allow you to earn money by transcribing different audio files and doing other similar tasks.

And let me just reveal right away that it is real and not fake. However, there are some important things you need to know before joining.

It offers multiple job types, most of which will involve typing. So, as I’ve said earlier, you have to be at least decent at typing if you want to join this site.

But to fully understand how this site works, we have to examine the earning opportunities it offers. It will also give you a rough idea of how much you can earn from it and whether it will be worth it or not.

I have, therefore, made a video that gives you an inside look and shows exactly how you can earn from Audio Bee. You can also read all the details below the video.

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Option 1 – Audio transcription jobs

As mentioned, one way to earn from Audio Bee is by transcribing audio files. The idea is really simple: you have to listen to an audio file, and you have to type everything you hear from it. However, there are a few guidelines you need to follow when transcribing.

taking tests for audio bee
To start working, you will have to pass their language tests.

Before you work on audio transcription jobs, though, you have to pass the test for the specific language you want to work on. This test will also serve as basic training on how to earn from this kind of job. Before you take the test, I would highly recommend you read the guidelines because it will really help you pass the test.

This is a very important part of the earning process, so don’t take it lightly. Once you feel you are ready to take the test, click the “Take Quiz” link. You have 25 minutes to complete the test. The passing rate is 80%, and there are 10 questions. That means you are only allowed two mistakes.

You are given two tries. If you fail the second try, you won’t be able to work on jobs in this specific language anymore. If you pass, then you’ll have to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) before you can start receiving jobs.

Every job will contain a set of instructions you need to follow to the letter. Some jobs will even require you to undergo some training. If that’s the case, you need to complete the training first before you start working on the job.

Once you’ve finished a job, you have to submit your work for verification. It usually takes 2 to 3 business days for your work to be verified. If it passes their standards, you will receive compensation. If it doesn’t, you won’t get paid.

audio transcription jobs on audio bee
You will earn around $24 for every hour of audio you transcribe.

As shown in the photo above, you get paid $24 to $120 per audio hour you are able to transcribe. The only problem is that it’s quite hard to find jobs that have audio files that are that long. So, you can’t really expect to earn that kind of amount for each job.

And in my experience, you will seldom find jobs that will pay around $120 per audio hour. So, expect to find jobs that will pay at the lower end of the range.

Option 2 – Voice recording jobs

Another way to earn from this site is by doing voice recording jobs. But just like the audio transcription jobs, you actually have to go through some kind of testing before you can start earning.

voice recording test of audio bee
You will have to submit 3 samples of your voice before you can start working on voice recording jobs.

You will have to submit 3 samples to start earning from this opportunity. When you take the test, it will guide you through what you need to do.

A few things you need to keep in mind when recording your voice samples is that you have to make sure you are using a microphone of decent quality. You also need to make sure you are recording in a room with no (or at the very least, minimal) background noise.

The samples you submit will also be the basis for clients to accept you for jobs they offer. So, you have to make sure you provide good quality samples. Once you’ve submitted your samples, Audio Bee will review them and will provide feedback if necessary.

They will also allow you to redo your samples if ever there is a need to do redo it. If you pass this test, you can start working on voice recording jobs. Audio Bee will then send jobs your way if there are available ones that fit your profile.

If there is a job available, you will have to apply for it, and the client will then review your voice samples. If they deem you fit for the job, you can start working on it.

voice recording jobs on audio bee
You can earn around $5 to $50 per voice recording job.

Every job is unique and will have a certain set of instructions you need to follow. So, make sure to read the instructions carefully before you start working on it. You can’t just start working on jobs half-prepared. If you do that, there’s a high chance they won’t accept your work, and you won’t get paid.

As shown in the photo above, you will earn around $5 to $50 per voice recording job you complete. The only thing about this opportunity is that it is tough to land a job for it. Clients are a bit picky with who they accept.

Option 3 – Translation and segmentation

Audio Bee sometimes offers this kind of earning opportunity, but during my testing, these tasks weren’t really among the options for earning. I’m not sure if this is a regional thing, but I personally can’t explain it clearly since I wasn’t really able to test this.

But in case you encounter this kind of earning opportunity when you sign up, the same process applies. You will still have to take a test before you can start working on it. That’s how their system works.

Option 4 – Referral program

You can also earn bonus rewards by inviting other people to join the site through their referral program. All you have to do is share your invite link with the person you want to invite, and once they sign up to the site, they will become your referral.

It’s not clear exactly how much you will earn per referral you get. The only clear information on their site about their referral program is that you can earn $1 to $20 per referral once they complete a project. The lack of information is actually one of the issues I found with this site, and I will elaborate on it later.

But as it stands now, in my opinion, it’s hard to push for referrals when you don’t really know what you are getting. A short explanation of how it works would suffice, but their site doesn’t have that.

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How do you get paid?

You will earn a certain amount in US dollars for every job you complete. It will be credited to your account balance. Audio Bee will then pay you at the end of every week for every verified job you complete.

payment options of audio bee
You can get paid via PayPal or Payoneer.

It mainly offers two payment methods. You can get paid via PayPal or Payoneer. It also used to offer direct bank transfer as a standard payout method, but that is no longer an option.

However, they do say that they also offer local payouts in some countries but do not explain exactly what that means.

Both PayPal and Payoneer can, however, be great ways to receive cash.

You just need to be aware that you need to earn a minimum of $10 to get paid.

I like that they process payments automatically every week. It makes the withdrawal of earnings a lot easier. And I do like the fact that they also offer payment through direct bank transfer – unfortunately, just not in all countries.

If you are interested in sites that pay via bank transfer instead, I recommend you check out the top sites that pay via direct bank transfer.

How much money can you make?

While it does seem like the site offers decent rates, if you take a look at the going rate for tasks like transcription and audio recording, what Audio Bee offers is actually a bit lower than most other sites that offer this kind of service.

And the problem is that there aren’t really a lot of tasks offered on this site. Plus, earning from this site isn’t actually that simple. You’d have to pass tests and undergo training before you can start earning. That will take a significant amount of time, which you won’t be compensated with.

That’s why I would say the earning potential of this site isn’t that good. It will take some time before you will be able to earn a decent amount. Plus, as explained, you can’t start earning right away, which is a major downside of this site, in my opinion.

audio bee mobile site

Can you use it on mobile?

Audio Bee doesn’t have a mobile app, but you can access the website from a mobile device by using a mobile web browser. However, the nature of the earning opportunities it offers isn’t really ideal for mobile devices.

The only time you can use Audio Bee on a mobile device is if you are applying for jobs or just checking your account balance. The actual work that needs to be done has to be done on a laptop or a desktop. It will be very hard to do audio transcription on a mobile device. It’s just not practical.

That’s why it is best if you work on it from a laptop or desktop.

Who can join Audio Bee?

Audio Bee is available globally. So, you can register as a member regardless of where you live. But you do have to be at least 18 years of age to join. However, the availability of jobs will still depend on where you live.

There are some countries that offer more jobs than others (e.g. US, UK, Canada). So, don’t expect to gain access to a lot of jobs if you live somewhere else.

Now, to become an Audio Bee freelancer, you just have to fill out their sign-up form. They used to have a sign up form on the website, but not you are just sent to a Google form you have to fill out instead.

This makes the platform look more unprofessional, in my opinion, and I have not experienced that kind of sign-up form on any other similar earning platform.

That is not the only thing that Audio Bee has changed and made worse since I first tested it. They now also have ads popping up everywhere on the website.

That means that when you are trying to read about it on the website, you have ads covering a lot of the content, and it gives a very bad user experience. And it again makes the website look very unprofessional.

It almost seems like they are now trying to make money with ads instead of by having jobs people can do. I am not saying you cannot find any jobs there anymore, but I am just saying that it has become a terrible experience to use the platform, in my opinion.

Can you get support?

As I’ve mentioned earlier, their site really doesn’t do a good job of properly explaining all the earning opportunities it offers. Therefore, chances are, you’ll have some questions about the site.

You can refer to their FAQ page, but it’s pretty useless, in my opinion, since it only discusses the basic points of the site in passing. You won’t actually get any useful information from it.

So, if you have any questions, you’d have to get in touch with their support team. To do that, you have to email them at since their site doesn’t have a contact form you can use. That would be the best way to get in touch with their support team.

However, I have tried contacting the support myself with some questions, and I never heard back from them.

This is a big minus when a site, first of all, has a very poor FAQ section and, secondly then, does not make sure to reply to all support tickets.

I am not saying that you will never get a response but I have just experienced not getting a reply, so therefore it seems you have to b a bit lucky to get help if you need it.

Overall, I would, therefore, say they have a pretty poor support system in place, even though they do offer a way for you to communicate with their support team.

Final Verdict

Audio Bee is an audio transcription website that will pay you for doing audio transcription and voice recording jobs. It has a couple of good features, but it also has some limitations you need to consider.

So, let me summarize its pros and cons to conclude this review. That way, you can get a clear overview of what the site has to offer so you can decide if you should go ahead with the sign-up or not.



  • Offers payment via PayPal and Payoneer
  • Processes payment automatically every week


  • Limited earning opportunities
  • Not the highest earnings
  • You won’t be able to start earning right away
  • Their site lacks useful information about the earning opportunities it offers
  • Ads covering content on the website gives a bad user experience

In my opinion, Audio Bee isn’t really a good site to join. There are simply much better ways to earn extra cash online. The main reason for this is that it’s hard to start earning from this site. You’d have to go through a few hoops to earn because you’ll have to pass their tests in order to start earning.

Plus, even if you pass their tests, there’s no guarantee you will be given access to a lot of jobs. And their rates aren’t really that great. So, even if you manage to complete jobs, it will still take a lot of time and effort to earn a decent amount.

But if you are great at transcribing already and willing to put in some unpaid time to qualify for the jobs, it can be a way to earn some extra money.

However, if you are looking for easier ways where you can start earning right away and will get paid from the beginning, it would be better to check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead.

The sites on this list all have good earning potential. You can earn a decent amount without investing a lot of time. Plus, you will be able to start earning from these sites immediately as well.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Audio Bee yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

0 thoughts on “Audio Bee Review: Legit or a Scam? (Full Truth Revealed)”

  1. Hi Mikael, I was reading the guidelines and it says no capital letters at begging of a sentence, no periods and no comas to break sentences. There is a YouTuber who does a demo, she puts the comas, periods and capital letters
    I am confused, which way is correct?
    Thanks r

  2. Thanks for your information i am searching some work from home but unable to find if have basic knowledge computer i have done one data entry project and submitted in 21st august but till now i will not get my amount and i have paid security deposit to them they were charged some amount from me please suggest me some flexible job 25k to 30k is more then enough for me .

    • Who did you pay a security deposit to? Because legit data entry jobs will not ask for a security deposit so it sounds like you might have been scammed, to be honest.


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