Lympo App Review – Worth Joining? (Not For Everyone)

Lympo Rating

Lympo app has shut down and is no longer a way to earn some extra money on the side. You can see a list of the best walk to earn apps through the link below instead.

If you are into fitness or you are trying to get in shape, you have maybe already heard of an app called Lympo. This app claims it will reward you for developing healthy habits so you can stay fit and healthy.

I must admit, it’s a pretty good deal if you are looking to get in shape or just become healthy. But is this app legit though? Or is it just a scam? Well, this Lympo app review will answer that question and more.

This review will tell you everything you need to know about the app so that you’ll know what to expect before you even install it on your mobile device. That way, you can make an informed decision about whether this app is really a good fit for you or not.

So, here’s what the app can offer.

Important update: Lympo has shut down!

Lympo app has shut down and is no longer a way to earn some extra money on the side.

You can check out the best free ways to earn some extra money online here instead.

What is Lympo, and what does it offer?

At its core, Lympo is a fitness app that will help you achieve your fitness goals by helping you stay motivated through the rewards it offers. It is indeed a legit app since it will really reward you for working on the earning opportunities it offers.

Here’s a short video explaining what the app does.

Speaking of earning opportunities, in order to fully understand how the app works, we have to take a closer look at the ways you can earn. This will give you an idea of from the earning potential of this app. It has a couple of earning opportunities, so let’s examine them now.

Option 1 – Challenges

The main way to earn rewards from Lympo is by taking on their fitness challenges. Once you’ve set up the app, you can just log in to view all the fitness challenges you can take on.

lympo challenges
You can participate in fitness challenges to earn LYM coins.

The challenges will be located under the “Tasks” section which is the default landing page of the app when you log in.

Usually, these challenges will involve a fitness activity like walking or running. You have to reach a certain target in order to complete a challenge.

To take on the challenge, just press the “Join the Challenge” button. You can also just press the challenge to see the full details. Before you take on the challenge, make sure you enable the location setting of your mobile device so the app can track your progress.

Once you complete the challenge, you will receive a certain number of LYM coins which is the currency the app is using. Every challenge also has a deadline. So, you have a limited time to complete it. That’s why I suggest you only join a challenge when you are ready to do it.

Option 2 – Referral program

The other way to earn LYM coins from this app is to participate in their referral program. If this opportunity is not familiar to you, the idea is really simple. You invite other people to join app.

referral program of lympo
You can invite other people to use the app to earn more LYM coins.

You have to share your referral link with the person you want to invite. Once they click the link and registers to Lympo, they will become your referral. However, before you will earn the referral reward, the person you invited must complete a challenge first.

Once they’ve done that, you will receive 50 LYM coins. So, make sure the people you invite are like-minded people who are also interested in what Lympo offers. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your time.

Recommended: Check Out the Top GPT Sites

How do you get paid?

For every challenge you complete and every referral you get, you will earn a certain number of LYM coins. This is the currency the app is using. But what can you do with these coins?

lympo rewards
You can get discounts for various electronic gadgets using the LYM coins you've earned.

Well, you can use them to redeem various rewards in their shop. The downside is, it only offers discounts for various electronic gadgets. So, you can’t actually redeem an electronic device. You can only get a discount for those devices if you want to buy them.

Most of the discounts though are pretty significant (usually around 50%). So, you can still save a decent amount. But it really is of no use to you if you don’t really plan on buying specific electronic devices.

So, if you were expecting to earn cash from this app, or even free products, then you will be disappointed because Lympo doesn’t offer that.

I would recommend you check out Sweatcoin which will also reward you for walking and running but where you can also redeem actual rewards.

How much money can you make?

As explained above, you won’t be able to earn money from this app technically speaking. You can only earn discounts. But you can consider that as money as well since as the saying goes, “money saved is money earned”.

So, to answer the question, it will really depend on how active you are and where you are located with the latter being the major determining factor of how much you can earn. The reason for this is, the challenges that will be available for you will mostly depend on where you are located.

If you live in a major city in the US, UK, or Canada, then chances are, there will be plenty of challenges you can join. So, you will be able to earn a decent number of LYM coins. But if you don’t live in a metropolitan city, then there’s a low chance of being able to earn from this app.

And don’t be surprised if there aren’t any available challenges in your area since Lympo doesn’t really have that good of a reach. That’s why, overall, I would say the earning potential of this app is pretty low.

It will only be beneficial if you live in a major city in the US, UK, or Canada. And even then you should not expect to earn a lot.

Can you use it on a desktop?

Lympo is a mobile-only platform. So, you will really need to use it on a mobile device. And due to the nature of the earning opportunity it offers, you won’t really find the need to use it on a desktop or laptop.

Lympo’s goal is to promote physical activities to get you fit and healthy. Sitting around in front of your computer is basically the opposite of what Lympo is trying to do.

lympo app
You can download the Lympo app from the Android or iOS app store.

As for their app, it is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. It is also very user-friendly. So, you won’t have a hard time using the app. It doesn’t have any pop-up ads, unlike some other apps where you have to keep closing annoying pop-up ads.

Overall, it’s a very easy-to-use app.

Who can join Lympo?

Lympo is available globally. You can register as a member more or less regardless of where you live. But you have to be at least 18 years of age to become a member.

sign up form of lympo
You can sign up using your own email address and password or you can use your Google or Facebook account to log in.

To register, you have to first download and install the app. Then, you can sign up using your own email address and password, or you can use your Google or Facebook account to log in.

Now, as mentioned earlier, the availability of challenges will depend on your location. So, even though you are able to join from anywhere in the world, you will only really be able to take advantage of this app if you live in a major city in countries like the US, UK, and Canada.

That’s where most challenges are located. If you live in a rural area, you won’t find a lot of challenges to earn rewards. You are better off joining a different app or site that offers earning opportunities regardless of where you live.

Can you get support?

If you have any questions about the app or your account, you will have to create a Telegram account because the app doesn’t have a support page. Well, technically, it does have one, but it’s not working. So, if you have any questions about your account or the app, you have to join their Telegram channel.

To access their Telegram channel, just go to the Lympo website and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click the Telegram icon. It will take you to their Telegram channel. You can send your messages through that platform.

It’s not the most ideal way to get in touch with their support team, but at least they provide an option for you. That being said, it would have been better if they ensured you would be able to contact their support team easily through their app, in my opinion. That would have made the overall user experience a lot better.

Final Verdict

Lympo is a fitness app that will motivate you to reach your fitness goals through the help of their challenges. It has a couple of interesting features, but it also has its limitations.

Let me wrap up this review with a summary of its pros and cons so you can get an overview of what the app has to offer. Then you can decide if this app is a good fit for you or not.



  • Offers an interesting and healthy way to earn rewards
  • Their app is easy to use


  • Limited earning opportunities available
  • Doesn’t offer cash rewards
  • Limited payment options offered
  • Their app doesn’t have a support page

In my opinion, Lympo is not for everyone. It’s a niche app that can be beneficial for people who are working on their fitness goals. But as an app to earn from, I don’t really see any good reason why you should use it.

It doesn’t offer cash rewards and its earning opportunities are pretty limited. You are better off joining a survey or Get-Paid-To (GPT) app. That’s why I would only recommend you use this app if you are looking for an app that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Now, for a list of great sites to earn from, I would recommend you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites and apps on this list all have good earning potential and most (if not all) of them offer cash rewards.

Plus, you will definitely find a site or app you can join regardless of where you live.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Lympo yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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