ProTypers Review – Legit or Scam? (Inside Look + Rating)

ProTypers Rating

Even though earning from ProTypers is very simple, it still isn’t worth it, in my opinion. It has a very low earning potential, and it will take a lot of time to earn just a few dollars.

If you are good at typing, there are a bunch of sites you can join to earn money. One of them is called ProTypers.

It claims all you need to earn is the ability to type at least 10 words per minute, and then you will be able to earn good money online.

That sounds like a fairly easy requirement, right?

Well, before you go ahead and hit the sign-up button, there are a few important things you need to know.

First of all, is ProTypers legit and a way to earn, or is it a scam you need to stay away from?

This ProTypers review will look into the legitimacy of the site, and it will give you an inside look so you will know exactly what to expect before you even join. That way, you can figure out if it is truly worth joining or not.

What is ProTypers, and what does it offer?

ProTypers is a lot similar to another site called MegaTypers. In fact, they are almost identical. You could say the only difference between these two sites is their name. And later, I will explain to you how these two sites share a database.

But let’s start by looking into the legitimacy of ProTypers because it is a very important piece of information you should know right away.

And yes, ProTypers is indeed a legit captcha-solving site that will pay you for simply solving captchas.

But that does, however, not mean it will be a good way to earn.  

To fully understand how the site works and if it is worth it or not, we have to take a closer look at the earning opportunities it offers.

I have, therefore, made a short video that gives you an inside look and shows exactly how you can earn from ProTypers. You can also read all the details below the video:

Recommended: See the Ultimate Guide on How to Earn Money Solving Captcha

Option 1 – Solving Captchas  

The main earning opportunity it offers is solving captchas.

There are two ways you can do this – you can either solve captchas using your web browser, or you can download their software called Typer Solver and solve captchas using that program.

Solving Captchas On Prototypers
The bulk of your earnings will come from solving captchas.

But let’s talk about the web browser version first. When you log in to the site, you can start working on captchas by clicking the “Start Working” link at the left-hand side of the member dashboard. You will then see something similar to the photo shown above.

You will then notice a timer that will start to run when the captcha is displayed. This is important. You will only have 15 seconds to solve the captcha. If the timer runs out, you will be kicked. And if you get kicked out 10 times within 24 hours, your account will be banned, and you will lose all your earnings.

So, it’s important to stay focused when you work on captchas on

When solving captchas, you will need to type the text as shown in the images and then press Enter. Each image must be typed with the correct case for each letter.

Some of the images are only partially readable. When this happens, you must type the readable portions of the image, even if this means leaving out the unreadable parts. If an image is completely unreadable, you can click the “DON'T KNOW” button.

You can also press the Esc key if you want to quickly skip that unreadable image.

Accuracy is the key to solving captchas. The problem is that their timer runs a bit fast compared to other captcha-solving sites, and there are a lot of images that are hard to read.

So, it takes a bit of practice, and as I’ve mentioned, you need to be focused when working to avoid getting banned. If you would like to take a break, just finish the captcha displayed and instead of pressing enter, just click the “Submit and Pause” button.

This is very critical. If you forget to click the “Submit and Pause” button and just step out, the timer will continue running and will eventually run out, thereby kicking you out.

As for their program called TyperSolver, if you decide to use this, you will enjoy a couple of benefits. First, captchas will load faster in their TyperSolver program. So, if you want to maximize your earnings, using this software is a must.

You will also be given access to higher-paying captchas if you use the program. The process of solving captcha is exactly the same as the web version. The only real difference in using their program is the benefits mentioned above.

Option 2 – TyperDraw

Technically speaking, this isn’t really an earning opportunity because there’s no guarantee you will earn from it. But it is one of the ways you can earn from ProTypers.

Their TyperDraw is really just a lottery draw for members.

To join the lottery, you have to purchase one or more TyperDraw tickets for a very low price using your current balance. The proceeds of the tickets will become the pot money of the raffle. A random winner (or winners) will be picked 48 hours after the draw date of the raffle.

If a draw event has been sold out before its Draw Date, the site will automatically assign the prize to the winner by the end of the day (server time). Take note that you can only buy tickets once you’ve received payment from the site.

So, this opportunity can be a pitfall if you are not careful. I suggest you don’t spend all your earnings to buy tickets because there’s no guarantee you will win.

Option 3 – Affiliate Program

Lastly, you can earn additional rewards by participating in their affiliate program. In other sites, this is called a referral program.

Protypers Affiliate Code
You have to generate an affiliate code to be able to invite people to join the site.

The idea is pretty simple. You generate affiliate codes and give them to people you want to invite.

When they sign up as a member, they have to provide your affiliate code so that they will be registered as someone you’ve invited to the site.

The code is the site's method of tracking the people you invite. You only need 1 affiliate code to start and any code can handle an unlimited amount of invited people. The only reason you might want to create more affiliate codes is to determine what kind of promotion activity is working best for you.

Let’s say you want to invite family members through emails, friends through a social media platform, and other people from your blog or website if you have one. You can create one code for emailing your family members, another code for your friends, and a third code for your blog.

Then, later on, you can check your affiliate dashboard to find out how many people signed up using which code. That way, you can focus more on using the more effective method to invite people. It’s a nifty little tool that not all online rewards sites offer.

As for the reward you will get, you will earn a 10% commission on the earnings of your referrals (the people you invited), but you will only start receiving commissions once 5 of your referrals get paid.

So, getting started with their affiliate program can take a while, but once you are able to meet the requirements to get paid, you can earn a passive income, provided the people you invited will be active on the site.

Their affiliate program, in my opinion, isn’t really very rewarding, and you will understand why later. But the gist is that it takes quite a while to start earning from it, and you won’t really earn a lot.

Recommended: See the Ultimate Guide on How to Earn Money Solving Captcha

How do you get paid?

As with most captcha-solving sites, you don’t actually get paid per captcha you solve. Instead, you will be paid once you can solve a certain number of captchas. In ProTypers' case, they will pay you for every 1,000 captchas you solve.

You will see their payment rate immediately when you start working on captchas. When I was doing my testing, 1,000 captchas were worth $0.60 Typer Credits. So, as you can see, you don’t earn a lot since this is a very low rate, even for a captcha site.

Payment Options For Protypers
ProTypers offers multiple payment methods, but you must choose only one you will use permanently.

ProTypers offers multiple payment options, but you can only choose one, and it will be permanent. The process of changing payment methods is quite tedious. So, when you sign up as a member (which I will discuss later), make sure the payment method you choose is final.

The amount of Typer Credits you need to earn before you can withdraw your earnings will depend on the payment method you choose. As shown in the photo above, if you choose to withdraw your earnings via PayPal, you will need to earn a minimum of $3 Typer Credits before you can withdraw it.

Aside from that, you also have to earn at least 50 TyperPoints. But what are TyperPoints, exactly? These are extra points you get for being accurate. To earn 1 TyperPoint, you must type at least type 500 correct images per day.

Their TyperPoints will actually be converted into Typer Credits when you withdraw your earnings. The conversion rate is 1 TyperPoint = 1¢.

Payment is made automatically when you reach the threshold for the payment method you chose (refer to the photo above). For PayPal withdrawals, payment is made every Monday. So, if you were able to reach the threshold by Sunday, 11:59 pm, it will be credited to your PayPal account sometime within the week.

But if you fail to reach the requirement by that time, you will have to wait another week to get paid.

As you can see, their payment system is actually quite complicated compared to other online rewards sites. If you prefer a simpler way to withdraw your earnings, I would suggest you check out the top sites that pay via PayPal.

How much money can you make?

The problem with captcha-solving sites is that they don’t typically have good earning potential. ProTypers is no different.

The earning potential is pretty low, in my opinion. You will need to solve literally thousands of captchas just to earn a few dollars.

Let me put it into perspective. Let’s say it takes you 10 seconds to solve a captcha. It will take you around 2 hours and 45 minutes to solve 1,000 captchas. Plus, you’d have to take into consideration the time it takes for the next captcha to load.

So, it will most likely take more than three to four hours to finish a thousand captchas and earn just $0.60. And if you are doing it in your browser, it will take considerably longer since the delay between captchas is longer.

That can be very daunting, even though the work required isn’t that complicated. But still, you will have to invest a lot of time before you will be able to earn a decent amount. And in my opinion, your time can be better spent on other sites that pay better.

Can you use it on mobile?

Protypers Mobile Site

ProTypers doesn’t have a mobile app you can download, but you will be able to access their site from your mobile device using a web browser.

However, due to the nature of the work you need to do, I don’t recommend you work on it from your mobile device.

The site is best worked on from a laptop or desktop because you have to remember you have to be fast and accurate when typing in the captchas. And you simply can’t do that as well from a mobile device.

So, if you are hell-bent on joining it, I would recommend you use your laptop or desktop instead of your mobile device to earn.

Who can join ProTypers?

Earlier, I mentioned it shares a database with MegaTypers. The reason why I say that is when you sign up as a member of MegaTypers, you will also become a member of ProTypers automatically.

Protypers Registration Form
To become a member, you just have to fill out the sign-up form and choose a payment method.

I was able to come to this conclusion when I signed up on ProTypers. It said that the email address I was using was already used on another account. I found it strange because this was the first time I signed up for it.

So, I tried logging in using the same account I used to register for MegaTypers, and lo and behold, I was able to log in. I came up with this idea because I thought since both sites look the same, maybe I should try the same login details.

I was quite surprised when that worked since I didn’t expect it. After all, who would have thought about that? When you think about it, if the owner of MegaTypers also owns ProTypers, why would they ever feel the need to create an identical site that offers the same thing?

It just doesn’t make sense. But anyway, regardless of what my opinion is on this matter, to become a member of the site (if you haven’t signed up for MegaTypers), all you have to do is fill out the registration form.

As mentioned earlier, the payment option you will choose should be the final payment option you decide to use since you can’t switch from one payment option to another easily. Once you are done with the registration form, you can log in to the site and start earning.

Can you get support?

If you have any questions about the site or how the whole thing works, I would suggest you check out their guide first. Just log in to the site and click “Guidebooks and Assistance”. You can see a lot of tutorials as well as an FAQ link.

You might find the answers you are looking for here. If you need further assistance, you can go to their help desk to submit your inquiry. Their help desk can be accessed under the same section as their tutorials and FAQ page.

Overall, I would say they do provide decent support for their members. They lay out all the information you need to know, and they also provide a way for you to contact their support team.

Final Verdict

ProTypers is a captcha solving site that will pay you for solving captchas. It has a couple of good features, but it also has some limitations you need to consider.

Now, let me wrap up this review with a summary of its pros and cons to give you an outline of what the site has to offer so you can decide if you should really join it or not.



  • Offers a simple way for you to earn
  • Payment via PayPal is available


  • Uses a complicated payment system
  • Very low rewards
  • Limited earning opportunities
  • Not ideal for mobile devices

If your main goal is to find a site you can earn extra cash from efficiently, ProTypers isn’t really a good choice. It will take quite a lot of time before you will be able to earn just a few dollars because they don’t pay that well.

So, even though earning from it is very simple, it still isn’t worth it, in my opinion, because of its very low earning potential. You are better off spending your time on sites that pay better.

And speaking of sites that pay better, I would suggest you check out the top survey and GPT sites in your country instead. The sites on this list all have better earning potential, and you don’t have to invest a lot of time to earn a decent amount.

If you have any comments, questions, or experiences with ProTypers, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

6 thoughts on “ProTypers Review – Legit or Scam? (Inside Look + Rating)”

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