Surveytime Review – Worth Your Time or Not? (Full Truth)

Surveytime Rating

Surveytime used to be one of the fastest paying survey sites. However, there has been some big changes and the rewards are now quite low compared to other survey sites, and you can, therefore, earn a lot more effectively on many other sites.

Surveytime is a paid survey site where you supposedly can get instantly rewarded for completing online surveys.

But is Surveytime legit and really a fast-paying survey site, or is it a scam to stay away from?

I have joined and tested it myself and have used it regularly for several years, and I have also been paid by it many times.

So let me just reveal right away that it is legit since I know from personal experience it pays (you can see payment proof later in this review). That does, however, not mean it is necessarily worth it for you.

In this Surveytime review, you will learn exactly what you get and how it works so you can easily decide if it is a site for you or not.

What is Surveytime, and what does the site offer? is a very simple and easy-to-use survey site where you can share your opinion through surveys and get paid for this.

It is so simple that it almost confused me when I first joined:-) This might sound strange, but there is not much information on the site, so I was even quite suspicious when I first saw it.

I still decided to join, and as already mentioned, it definitely turned out to be a legit site, as I have been paid by it myself several times.

But to know if it will be worth it for you or not, let's look at exactly what it offers and how it works.

I have created a video that gives you an inside look and shows you exactly how to use Surveytime. Later in this review, I will also show you payment proof so you know it is a site that actually pays. You can also read all the details below the video:

YouTube video

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It is, as mentioned, very simple, but this might also confuse you at first. There are some steps you need to take to earn, and I will explain these below.

Step 1 – Register and confirm your email

To get started at Surveytime, you, of course, first have to register. You probably already figured that out yourself:-)

The reason I am still mentioning this step here is that the registration process is a bit different from most other survey sites.

It is very easy to join by just giving your email and name.

It is, however, different in the way that you do not have to choose your own password, which kind of confused me at first.

After you join, one will automatically be generated for you and sent to you via email.

Also, as usual on survey sites, you need to confirm your email. This step is important on Surveytime – without confirming your email, you will not be able to get your rewards out.

So these are the initial steps to join. Still, it is quite straightforward, even though a bit different. What confused me at first was, however, the next step.

Step 2 – Fill out a profile survey

The next step after you join is to take a survey to fill out your profile so they can match you with surveys.

survey time intro questions
Right after you join, you have to take a profile survey.

Most survey sites have a profile you can fill out to get a better chance to qualify for surveys, so there is nothing unusual in this in itself.

On Surveytime, you used to have to fill it out before you even got to the member area. However, this has changed when they made several big changes recently, so you can now choose when you want to fill out your profile.

During the profile survey, I was asked the same questions several times, and it made me a bit annoyed, and I was not sure what was going on.

The reason for this was, however, probably to check the consistency of my answers to see if I answer surveys honestly. So, if you join, make sure to answer honestly so you can give consistent answers.

Luckily it did not take too long to fill out. It says it should take you around 15 minutes, but for me, it only took around 10 minutes.

I was honestly about to give up during the initial survey because I was a bit confused about what was going on and not sure if it was legit, but I was also curious and had to finish it to see what would happen:-)

I am glad I did. Because even though the initial sign-up process confused me a bit, it turned out it had some really good survey options once you are a member.

So make sure to fill out the survey profiler if you join – it will be worth it on the other side:-)

Step 3 – Take surveys

I was very curious to see what Surveytime actually offered on the inside.

It actually turned out to be quite a lot of survey opportunities. When I first joined Surveytime, there was a list of surveys inside the member area. This has, however, changed. Now, there is only one way you can get access to surveys.

Once you log in to the member area. Here, you will then see if there is a survey available for you.

survey scanner on survey time
Inside the member area, you find the survey scanner.

It works like a survey scanner. It looks for surveys, and if there are any, you will get a message that shows how much the survey pays and how long it will approximately take to complete it. This does not mean you will necessarily qualify for the survey. But if you do not qualify, the scanner will scan for another survey and see if there are other surveys available.

Sometimes, it can take some patience to find the surveys you qualify for, but there is a good number of surveys available through the member area. There might even be times when there are none, but then you can check back later.

There is one more way you can get surveys. Once you have signed up, you will sometimes receive an email with a survey invitation.

You can right away see how long the survey approximately will take and if it is only available on desktop or mobile.

Receiving email invitations like this is very user-friendly, in my opinion. Just make sure to also log in and check for surveys inside the member area, as not all surveys will be sent via email.

I have seen some people saying they had not received surveys for a while, but it was actually just the emails they had not received. They could still have found surveys by logging in.

Overall, the way Surveytime is created is very simple, and the simplicity makes it very easy to use.

Not just the way you just get available surveys but also the payout method, as we will get to in the next section.

The surveys are taken through third-party providers, so you click a survey and are then taken to another site where you complete the survey.

After you have completed a survey, the reward will be added to your Surveytime wallet.

Personally, Surveytime has worked great for me, but I have heard feedback about others sometimes having technical issues with the surveys there – just so you are aware. But I will explain a bit more about this later in this review.

Recommended: Check Out the Top Survey Sites in Your Country

How do you get paid?

The payout method is an area where Surveytime used to be quite different from many other sites.

It used to give the same reward for all surveys no matter how long it was and no matter the country you lived in. Every time you completed a survey, you would get $1.

However, this has changed, and it no longer offers a unique system like this.

Now, you instead just get a reward that will vary depending on the specific survey just like on any other survey site.

In my opinion, it is a shame they have changed this, as it made Surveytime unique and special.

I have tried to get $1 for a 2-minute survey and also get $1 for a 7-minute survey. There used to be no differentiation, which, of course, made it very easy to know exactly what you got paid.

However, now the rewards are, in general, not particularly great anymore. But you can still find some surveys that pay quite well, but it takes a bit more patience than it used to.

When you first join, you will be asked how you want to get your reward. You can also choose this later. The type of reward available depends on your country. But most countries offer PayPal as an option.

survey time reward example
PayPal is one of the payout options in most countries.

Some countries also offer other payout methods. In the US, you can, for example, also choose to get paid with gift cards to Amazon, Target, and Decathlon in addition to PayPal cash. In some countries, you can also choose to get paid in Bitcoin.

PayPal as a payout method is used on many survey sites and is, in my opinion, a great way to get your rewards. And how you get your money like this on Surveytime is something I have not seen before.

To get paid, you just have to be aware that you have to verify your phone number. According to Surveytime, this is to protect your rewards, and they will never use your number for anything else.

It was only for the first payout I had to confirm the phone number by using a code I received in a text message, so not a problem at all. And I have also not experienced the number that has been shared or anything like this, as it sometimes happens on shady survey sites.

Anyway, it took less than 1 minute, and once that was done and I chose PayPal, I received an email just a few minutes later that said I had now received my reward.

surveytime payment proof
I received my payment only a few minutes after requesting a payout.

There are other survey sites where you can get your rewards get them super fast.

However, this is another thing Surveytime has changed and has made some big changes.

It no longer allows you to get paid after each survey. You now need to earn a minimum of $5 to get paid.

surveytime cashout minimum
You now need to earn $5 to get paid.

It is still a low payout threshold, but I still think it is a shame they have changed it so you can no longer get paid already after one survey.

But I do like that you can now accumulate more if you want to. I like being able to decide for myself when I want the cashout. I think it can be nice to collect a bit of money in the survey site account and then get them paid out at once.

This is possible now, and you do not have to take your earnings out when you have earned $5. In fact, if you accumulate $10 or more before cashing out, you will get a $0.50 bonus back into your wallet, which is a nice extra bonus.

How much money can you make?

There is, in theory, no limit to how many surveys you can complete on Surveytime as long as there are available surveys.

But there are, of course, not unlimited surveys available.

How many that will be available depends a lot on the country you live in. But in my experience, it has a decent amount available, and it also has surveys available in countries where it usually can be difficult to find any.

So, it is definitely a way to make some extra cash on the side. But it will, like all other paid survey sites, not be a way to make a full-time income online and not something that will make you rich.

But Surveytime can be a nice way to get to share your opinion and earn some nice extra cash at the same time.

However, after the big changes it has gone through, it takes quite a lot of patience compared to what it used to, and it is no longer one of the absolute top survey sites, in my opinion.

Can you use it on mobile?

mobile with surveytime website is fully mobile optimized, and the website itself works well on mobile.

But it now also has a Surveytime app for both Android and iOS devices, so if you want to earn by taking surveys on the go, this is very easy.

It is also possible by going through the website or by clicking the invitation link in the emails you get if you prefer no downloading the app.

Just be aware that since the surveys will be taken on the websites of different providers, it is not sure all of them will be fully optimized for mobile.

Most of them definitely will be possible to take on mobile, but just be aware that there can also be surveys where it takes a bit of scrolling in and out.

The great thing about the survey invitations you get via email is that it clearly states if it is only available for desktop or only for mobile. If nothing is stated, you can take them on all devices.

Who can join Surveytime?

Something I really like about Surveytime is that it is available worldwide.

There will, however, be different amounts of available surveys from country to country. But any country can join, and it offers good opportunities even for countries where it usually can be more difficult to find survey opportunities.

The platform is also available in different languages. At the top of the screen, you can choose the language.

surveytime language options
Surveytime is available in all countries and in several languages.

At the moment of writing this review, it is available in English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese.

But many of the surveys will actually be in your own local language, even if one of these languages is not your mother tongue.

Can you get support?

One thing that is a bit strange about Surveytime is that I could, at first, not find info contact info for their support on the website.

There is an FAQ section where you can get answers to most questions, but there is no contact info.

I, however, managed to find an email address for their support in their privacy policy. But I checked up on this directly with Surveytime, and it turns out that was not the best way to reach their support. I was told by them that the best way to contact support directly is by writing to:

Just be aware that it is not as such an actual person called Tomy from Surveytime you will write to, but it is just a general support email address they are using.

However, you can also try to reach them through their Facebook page.

After initially posting this review, I have, however, been told by many readers that they have not been able to get in contact with Surveytime, and often it will take several messages to get in contact with them.

I have been able to get in contact with their support several times myself and have been told that they are working on improving the support. And after some of the negative feedback was posted on my review (see comments below the review), Surveytime actually answered many of them here on this review, as you can see.

However, it seems the support is kind of on and off – sometimes, they are very quick at replying, and other times, there is silence for quite a long time. This is not only based on my own experience but also based on the feedback I get from visitors to this website.

So it can take some patience to get in contact with their support, and other times, you might be lucky and get a fast reply. Personally, I hope this is something that will become more stable soon as it is not ideal as it is now.

However, there has been these issues with slow support for several years at the time of updating this review, so not sure if it will be improved, and I honestly doubt it.

Surveytime complaints

After initially posting my Surveytime review, I have received a lot of feedback from people who have tried it. Some people love it and get really good results, but others also have problems with it.

I have heard several people mention that they complete a survey but sometimes then get an error, and there are problems with the payment. That can happen at times, but it seems like it regularly happens on Surveytime in some countries from the feedback I get.

Another complaint I hear is about them not being able to get a quick answer from the support when there are technical issues – because technical issues can happen on any site, but the important thing is how fast the support is at fixing this. But I have already gone into details about this above.

I want to make it clear that I have not had any problems with Surveytime myself, and I have also received feedback from people who love the site and do very well on it.

But I also have to recognize that is not the experience of everyone and therefore wanted to add this section here so you get a more wholesome picture of what the site offers and the potential good and bad sides before deciding if it is for you or not.

And the biggest issue with Surveytime, in my opinion, is that the support is slow and sometimes does not even reply. This is a big issue, and then, combined with the changes they have made that make it harder to earn effectively, it becomes a platform that can no longer compete with the top survey sites, in my opinion.

Final verdict

Surveytime is a legit and simple survey site that pays out quickly.

This does not necessarily mean it is the best site for you. So, let's finish by summing up the pros and cons so you can get a better overview to help you decide whether you should join or not.



  • Free to join
  • Available worldwide
  • Pays out very quickly


  • Support is often slow
  • There have been some complaints about technical issues at times
  • Fairly low rewards

Overall, I think Surveytime is very user-friendly once you get used to how it works differently from most other survey sites.

If it is the right platform for you depends on a lot of the preferences you have in relation to payout methods.

If you like getting your rewards right away, once you reach the payout threshold then Surveytime can be an option.

However, it does take patience to reach the payout threshold after they made some big updates, and the support is also disappointing, in my opinion.

For those reasons, I recommend you check out the top survey sites in your country instead, as there just are many better alternatives than Surveytime, in my opinion.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Surveytime yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.