Wealthy Affiliate Complaints (Myths And Truths Revealed)

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If you have been looking for a way to make money online, you have maybe come across Wealthy Affiliate.

There are many people highly recommending it, but there is also a fair share of Wealthy Affiliate complaints.

And I have been asked about many of these since I published my Wealthy Affiliate review here.

Therefore, I decided to write this to cut through the noise and bring you the real scoop. And let me just make it clear right away that it is not a perfect platform, in my opinion.

But much of what you hear about Wealthy Affiliate often comes from a mix of those who've brushed past the platform without a deep dive, alongside critics with their own agendas.

I have extensive experience making money online and have spent a lot of time on both Wealthy Affiliate and have tested MANY other similar platforms and ways to make money online.

Therefore, I know a lot about what works and what does not work, and in this article, I will put the complaints under the microscope against my personal experiences.

So, if you're on the fence about Wealthy Affiliate, or you've heard a few too many rumors, stick around. Let's clear up some myths and lay out the truths, shall we? Our first stop? Addressing that notorious claim of stale, ineffective training.

Complaint 1 – The training is outdated

You've probably heard the murmurings about Wealthy Affiliate training being outdated.

And let me just say right away that at some point, certain parts of the core training used to be a bit outdated.

However, most people I have seen complaining about this did not actually go thoroughly through the training and have not kept an eye on what is happening on the platform.

I have applied the training myself, and it has laid the foundation for my online business which now is a multiple 6-figure online business.

So I know the training works, and I have seen all the core training being updated several times over the years I have been a member.

However, the owners of Wealthy Affiliate have now systemized more and are updating the core training every 6-8 weeks. also seem to have realized that in the fast-paced online world, training needs to be updated more frequently, and they are now making sure to update all the core training very regularly, so it will never be outdated.

In fact, out of all the make-money-online courses I have taken, this is now the one that is updated the most frequently.

In addition to the updated core training, there are also several live classes and new training launches about various topics every week to make sure you get the newest info.

example of wealthy affiliate live class
There are several live classes every week.

You even get the chance to ask questions live to the experts teaching these classes.

One of the arguments I have seen some people claiming the training is outdated have used is to show training with an old date. But the reason that there is training with older dates is that you can keep accessing previous classes. That does not mean there is no new and updated training.

From what I can see, it seems most people who are complaining about this are just looking for training with old dates to find valid arguments to promote their own training program. Or they are just repeating what they have heard others say without actually looking into the training.

I'm not denying that the online world is fast-paced. But Wealthy Affiliate’s training is designed with sustainability in mind. The community's approach, with webinars and peer feedback, ensures the material is not just current, but also anticipated future trends, and I have personally seen the results of implementing what the training teaches.

Jumping into the next section, we'll look at how realistic it is to find success on Wealthy Affiliate and whether the claim that it's ‘almost impossible' holds any water.

Complaint 2 – Important topics are not taught

In addition to the training being outdated, you have maybe heard some people say that important topics are not taught, and therefore, you will not get any results.

For example, some say that YouTube SEO, social media marketing, PPC, email marketing, and more are not taught.

However, I do not think this complaint is valid for several reasons.

First of all, the core training will naturally not cover all topics as it is about building the foundation and focusing on this. If the core training had included everything people would get overwhelmed and give up, so it is actually clever not to include everything in the core training, in my opinion.

Secondly, all these topics (and more) are actually taught.

wealthy affiliate training topics
A lot of different topics are taught inside the platform.

They are taught through weekly classes and the people complaining about them not being taught have only looked at the core training.

Thirdly, I find it a strange complaint that a platform does not cover every single aspect of online marketing. No make-money online course can be specialized in every single topic and most course only teaches a few topics.

Wealthy Affiliate is actually the platform that covers the most different topics in-depth out of all the platforms I have tested.

Also, one thing I have noticed is that some say the training is not correct because certain aspects of it is not just mainstream teachings and go against certain things some other courses are saying.

But I have seen that the core of what they are teaching really works and what they have talked about for years when it comes to building a brand and focusing on quality is now what many others have just started talking about now.

Many other courses have been so focused on SEO tricks whereas Wealthy Affiliate for years has focused on building a real brand a real business, which is just now something many online marketers have started talking about after recent Google algorithm updates.

So I am very happy I came across Wealthy Affiliate when I first started and it taught me the right approach from the beginning.

Click to Get Your Free Starter Membership and Check Out the Training Yourself

Complaint 3 – Wealthy Affiliate is MLM

One complaint I have very often heard is that Wealthy Affiliate is an MLM company and that you can only make money if you promote the platform to others.

The reason for this is that as a member, you can also earn by inviting others to join. That is kind of the core of affiliate marketing so naturally they also have their own affiliate program.

When you join, you get the chance to choose to build a business around a niche or passion you have or around promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

There are separate core trainings depending on what you choose. For that reason, I have seen some people say there is too much focus on promoting the platform itself.

I understand if people might get the idea that promoting Wealthy Affiliate is then the only way to make money. However, that is not the case.

Personally, I have built a multiple 6-figure online income by following the training there and using the tools you get as a part of the membership without even promoting WA.

I did not start recommending it to others until after I had seen the results. I know some people start by promoting it right away, and I also do not agree with that, as I do not think you can recommend something until you have seen for yourself it works.

But that does not mean it is an MLM company and you can definitely make very good money without ever promoting WA. I have done that myself and so have thousands of other members.

You will learn to build a business around any passion or interest you have, and if you choose to then recommend Wealthy Affiliate to others at some point, you can also earn by doing that.

Complaint 4 – It takes too long to earn

I have heard some members of Wealthy Affiliate complain that it takes too long to start earning.

Now, I get it, you're eager to see results, and patience isn't exactly everyone's strong suit, especially when it comes to earning money. But here's the thing: building a business, online or not, is never an overnight success. Wealthy Affiliate is very transparent about that.

So, let's set the record straight. First off, Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools for success; what it doesn't and can't provide is a shortcut. Success in any field requires hard work, dedication, and most importantly, time.

If you put in effort, you can get results like I and thousands of other members have.

examples of success stories at wealthy affiliate
There are many success stories inside WA – but, of course, it takes time to succeed.

You can see just a few examples of members sharing their success stories inside the platform in the image above. New stories like this are added daily.

So it definitely is possible to make money by following the training and using the tools.

By breaking down the process into actionable steps, Wealthy Affiliate guides you through the journey. Yes, the timeline can vary, because your business is unique, and so is your path. Just don't focus too much on perfection. It's the progress that counts, and even small steps are worth celebrating.

If you're feeling frustrated by the pace of your progress, it's worth considering the ways to optimize your strategies. The Wealthy Affiliate community is great for this — you're not alone. Learn from others' successes and setbacks. Adjust, adapt, and keep the faith.

In the end, it's about setting realistic expectations and understanding that a solid foundation takes time to build. If success was easy and instant, everybody would be an entrepreneur. Embrace the journey with Wealthy Affiliate and remember that your first attempt doesn't need to be your last.

Final thoughts

I hope this article has helped you figure out if Wealthy Affiliate is the right opportunity for you or not.

Just remember that perseverance is the name of the game here. If you want to reach your goals, applying what you learn consistently over time is crucial. This isn't just about getting rich quickly – it's about building a business that stands the test of time, which is what you are able to do at Wealthy Affiliate, as long as you are willing to put in time and effort.

And I also want to give you a special offer – if you join through my invitation link, I will be there to help you and support you every step of the way.

I have years of experience and have started from scratch myself, and if you join through my link below, we will automatically be connected after you join the platform, you will be able to ask me questions directly, and I will be happy to share my experiences with you.

If you still have questions or concerns, feel free to ask in a comment below and I will make sure to get back to you ASAP. Also, If you have any experiences yourself you would like to share, I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences below.

Until then, keep striving, keep learning, and most importantly, keep building!

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