Paidera Review – Unlimited Daily Earnings? (NOT Really)

Paidera Rating

Paidera just simply promises too much and the value for your time spent is extremely low compared to other similar sites. Therefore, it is NOT a site I recommend.

Paidera claims on its website it is the best survey and Get-Paid-To site. In fact, it even says on its website that it offers unlimited daily earnings.

I have tested hundreds of free ways to make money online, so I decided to put it to the test and see if it can really live up to its bold claims.

So is Paidera legit and really a way to earn, or is it a scam to stay away from?

Let me just reveal right away that it is not a scam site, BUT if you do not know what you are getting into, you can end up wasting A LOT of time.

In this Paidera review, I will give you all the details about what I found after joining, and if it will be worth your time or not so you know what you are getting into before signing up.

What is Paidera, and what does the site offer?

The first time I heard about this platform was because someone asked me about it on my YouTube channel.

I decided to check it out and see what it really offers and if Paidera is real or fake.

The first thing I noticed when I came to their website was the claim that they are the best.

paidera best claim
Paidera claims to be the best – I put it to the test.

With so many great Get-Paid-To (GPT) and survey sites out there, this is a bold claim. I decided to test it and see if it can really live up to its claims.

I also wanted to see if it really does offer unlimited daily earnings, as it also claims on the sign up page.

Let me just right away reveal that it is NOT the best site as it claims, in my opinion. However, since I first tested it, it definitely has made some improvements, but the platform is still using a lot of tricks you need to be aware of before joining.

This does not mean it cannot be worth it for you, but you definitely need to know what it really offers so you know what to expect.

So let's go over how you can earn as a member of Paidera and how good the options are compared to other similar sites.

I have created a video that gives you an inside look so you can see exactly what it offers and how to use it. You can also read all the details below the video:

Recommended: See the Best Paying GPT Sites Instead

Option 1 – Paidera surveys

The earning option with the most opportunities on is to take paid surveys. It actually has a very large amount of available surveys.

paidera surveys
Paidera has many available surveys – but very low rewards.

It has its own Paidera surveys (also called Paid Quizzes), and it also has external surveys.

The great thing about its own surveys is that you seem to be able to qualify for more or less all of them. I do, however, think there is a reason for this that I will explain in a minute, and it does not mean the surveys are worth taking.

I think it is great Paidera offers so many surveys, but the first thing I do not like about it is that you cannot see a time estimate before you start taking a survey.

I tried a couple of surveys, and they really took very long for the reward I got compared to the top paying survey sites.

One of the reasons for this is that the way you take surveys on Paidera is quite different from other survey sites.

Every time you have answered a question, it takes you to a full article you have to scroll through and try to find the “continue” button among alls the ads.

There are a lot ads, and when you finally can move on, you have to click a button between many big ads where you can almost not avoid clicking the ads instead.

paidera survey covered in ads
The surveys are covered in ads which makes it difficult to take them.

You have to do this for every single question which makes it extremely tedious to take surveys on Paidera.

For me, it looks like you can qualify for so many of the surveys because the real goal is not really to get market research out of it but to get you to click ads so they can get paid for this.

In their defense, I will say that you do get the money into your Paidera account as soon as you have taken a survey. But the rewards are very low for the time spent compared to other survey sites.

Also, be aware that if you click an ad at any point while taking a survey, it opens in the same window in most cases. This means you are taken away from the survey you are in the middle of taking, and you will, therefore not get paid for it.

You would have to start it all over, and this can be very annoying if you have, for example, already spent 15 minutes answering a survey and suddenly, by accident, clicked an ad.

And there is a big risk of clicking an ad by accident as the buttons and answers you need to click are placed very close to ads, so there is a big risk you will end up wasting time by having to start over with surveys.

This is also the reason I say that it seems the real goal of the Paidera surveys is not to do market research but to show ads to you, as Paidera gets paid for this.

So overall, the Paidera surveys are very poor, in my opinion. Especially because the quizzes surveys are only available as long as you have what they call Quota point. You earn these points by doing other tasks and by inviting people.

There are some external surveys you can take from known survey providers, and this work more like regular surveys. However, these external surveys pay extremely low rewards compared to what you can get for the exact same surveys on many other platforms.

Therefore, it is just not worth taking surveys on Paidera, in my opinion.

Option 2 – Tasks

Paidera has 2 types of tasks. They have what they call Micro tasks and just Tasks.

The micro-tasks are a fairly new section they did not have when I first tested it. But it works very much like any micro-task website, where you can earn a bit by doing some kind of social media tasks usually. There are just very few of these tasks on Paidera.

The section that is just called “Tasks” is actually more just paid offers.

However, usually for paid offers, you can get some pretty good rewards. But that is just not the case with Paidera.

You can find the same paid offers here as you can on many other GPT sites, but the rewards you get on Paidera are significantly lower.

So if you want to earn by taking any of these offers, I strongly encourage you to take them on other GPT sites as you will get a lot more out of it, and it will be the exact same offers.

Option 3 – Create videos

Getting paid to create videos sounds fun, right?

Paidera offers this option. But before getting too excited, you need to know the conditions.

It is basically an option where you can earn a bit for promoting Paidera.

paidera video task example
You can earn by creating promotional videos about Paidera.

You have to create different videos about Paidera and upload them to YouTube. For this, you will get between $0.20-$0.45 per video.

Again, this is a very low reward for the effort it takes to create a video and upload it. And they have a lot of requirements about how the video needs to be, as you can see an example of in the image above.

Also, I have experienced several times that people have stolen my video review of Paidera (the one earlier in this review) and uploaded it to their own channel. This is deeply unethical and also goes against YouTube's guidelines, and the videos will be taken down. And this is just a very unethical way of promoting, in my opinion.

I am not saying this is Paidera's fault, but because of the way they push you to promote them (more about this later) you can argue that it encourages people to do whatever it takes to promote them.

Option 4 – Write articles/reviews

This option is similar to the one above.

Here you just have to create an article or blog post or reviews instead of a video.

paidera reviews task conditions
You can earn by writing articles/reviews about Paidera.

You need to post the article on well-known blogs, forums, or review sites to get paid for it. If they approve it, you get 10 quota points, as you can see in the image above.

There are several issues about this, in my opinion.

First of all, they do not describe anywhere what you can use these quota points for. It is not mentioned on their FAQ page, and there is no info about it on their payout page. So you have no idea what you will really get for this.

Furthermore, you will very likely risk getting banned from forums if you start writing promotional articles/reviews like this. Moderators on forums are smart enough to see when it is promotions disguised as articles.

So really not worth the effort and risk, in my opinion.

Option 5 – Refer people

It is very common for a GPT site to have a referral program where you can earn a bit extra by inviting other people to join. Paidera also has such a program.

However, it is very different from any other referral program I have seen – and I do NOT mean this is a good way.

Paidera used to push you a lot more to promote the site if you wanted to earn. You, for example, used only to get access to most surveys after you had invited a certain number of people.

paidera surveys locked
In the past, you had to promote Paidera to get access to some of the earning methods – they have fortunately changed this.

Fortunately, this is not a requirement anymore. To demand that you share a referral link to be able to use other earning methods is ridiculous, in my opinion, and something I have not seen on any other site. So it is a great improvement that they have removed this requirement.

That does, however, not mean the referral program is now a great way to earn.

In fact, the earning potential of the referral program is very low. It is hard to understand exactly what you can earn, and this means many people might not understand exactly how little they can earn and, therefore, spend a lot of time promoting Paidera, hoping to earn a lot.

But from what I can see in their, in my opinion, unclear terms, is that you will only earn for the first 25 valid referrals you get. And you will you will only get $0.10 per referral. That means the maximum earning potential for this opportunity is $2.50.

That is extremely low and definitely not worth the effort, especially because Paidera is also not worth recommending to others, in my opinion.

Recommended: See the Best Paying GPT Sites Instead

How do you get paid?

Overall, you can properly already now see that I am not impressed with the earning opportunities on Paidera. But you can earn, and it might be for you.

But before deciding, you also need to know how you can get your money if you decide to join.

The payout method Paidera offers is PayPal. That is a great way to get your earnings in cash. Just be aware that you need a verified PayPal account to get paid.

The threshold on Paidera is, however, quite high.

paidera payment method
The Paidera minimum withdrawal threshold is high.

Here they have also changed their terms for the better. They used to have it as a requirement that you invited 150 people to join to get the lowest possible payout threshold of $20.

They have, fortunately, also removed this requirement, so now you can just choose if you want to get paid when you have earned $20 or $30.

IWith the very low rewards on Paidera, this will take a looong time. This has, however, improved since I first reviewed Paidera as it used to be $50.

It is still very high but at least a bit lower now than it used to be.

It is great PayPal is the payout method, but there are so many great PayPal reward sites with a lot better options and conditions. Some of them even let you cash out already when you have earned $1 (and without any referral requirements).

So there are definitely sites where your time is better spent, in my experience.

How much money can you make?

Honestly, you should not expect to be able to earn much on Paidera.

It has extremely low rewards, and it takes a lot of patience to make any real money.

As mentioned earlier, they claim on the website they have unlimited tasks you can complete every day and that there is no limit to how much you can earn.

In theory, it is true that you will likely not run out of tasks you can do on Paidera. But if you think that means you can earn a lot, you will get disappointed. You might be able to find tasks to do for 8-10 hours per day, but what is that with if you will only earn a few dollars from it?

And with the very high payout threshold, you have to work hard and long to ever get a payout.

Also, be aware that they can close your account at any time without warning – I have tried this myself.

paidera account closed
Paidera sometimes closes accounts without warning.

In my case, one day, when I tried to log in, I got the message you can see above. I must also say that I really did not use it because I think it is a waste of time, but it was still surprising to see they had just closed the account without any warning.

Many sites will close your account if you have not been active, but they will usually send you an email warning about this first so you get a chance to stay active – that was NOT the case for Paidera.

Also, not only can they close your account at any time without warning you will also not be able to then create a new account, and you will not get your earnings.

In general, I think it is completely fair when sites ban people that try to use bots, and VPNs, or cheat in other ways. But banning someone and not allowing them to create a new account just because they are not active shows how little Paidera cares about its members, in my opinion.

It also shows that it can be risky to invest too much time because they can easily find a reason to ban you, and from feedback, I have heard since I first published this review, it is clear that it happens regularly.

Can you use it on mobile?

mobile with paidera website

Usually, I always look at how good a survey or GPT site is to use on mobile as it is great to be able to earn on the go.

There is no Paidera app you can download to earn on the go.

But in this case, I honestly do not really care because I will not be using it in the future because it is not worth the time, in my opinion.

But just in case you are interested in using it, I can tell you that it is possible to use it on mobile.

The website is optimized for mobile, so you can use it even on smaller screens.

Who can join Paidera?

One good thing about Paidera is that you can join, no matter the country you live in.

And it seems that you can qualify for more or less all surveys no matter where you live. This gives some opportunities for countries where you usually cannot find a lot of paid surveys.

BUT it takes a lot of patience to earn with the surveys on Paidera. So no matter where you live, I would instead suggest you check out the best survey sites in your country.

Can you get support?

If you need support on Paidera, there is a section where you can submit a support ticket.

It does not say how long it will take to get an answer, but at least you can easily find the section and submit a ticket.

It would be nice if there also was a FAQ section with answers for the most common issues. Most sites have this, and it would be great to have.

I would, for example, love to know more about the rules for the VIP section, and it would be obvious to put this in a FAQ section. But if you want any extra info, it seems like you have to write their support.

Final verdict

It seems like you can actually earn on Paidera, and it offers a legit payout method. This does, however, not mean it will be worth your time.

To give you a better overview before deciding, let's finish this review by summing up the pros and the cons.



  • Free to join
  • You qualify for all Paidera surveys


  • Very low rewards
  • The surveys take a long time and are covered in ads
  • No FAQ section
  • Very high payout threshold
  • They close accounts without warning

Overall, my biggest issue with Paidera is the extremely low value for your time compared to other sites. And it has a very high payout threshold, so it will take a lot of patience to earn enough to get paid.

It is not a very user-friendly site, and with so many great alternatives, it is definitely NOT a site I recommend, and it is definitely NOT the best site, as it claims.

If you want to use reward sites, I instead suggest you check out the top paying survey GPT sites in your country that all have more and better opportunities.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Paidera yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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