Paidwork Review (aka Zareklamy) – Is It Legit? (An Inside Look)

Paidwork Rating

Paidwork (previously Zareklamy) has some nice features. It has a poor payout system, and the low rewards and the earning opportunities are just NOT good enough.

Paidwork (previosuly called Zareklamy) is a Get-Paid-To (GPT) site that promises to pay you for doing micro-tasks – it even promises you can potentially make a full-time income as a member.

But is Paidwork legit and a real way to earn good money, or is it a scam site where you will waste your time?

You need to know this before signing up for any earning platform. After all, you wouldn’t want to waste your time joining a site that won’t pay you.

I have joined and tested it myself and have compared it to the hundreds of other free online earning methods I have tested over the past few years.

This Paidwork review will give you an inside look so you’ll know exactly how good the site is and if you really can make as much money as it claims.

So, if you are considering joining, I strongly advise you to read this review first so you know exactly what you can expect.

What is Paidwork/Zareklamy, and what does it offer?

Let's start by going over the name.

That platform was called Zareklamy for many years. However, it changed its name to – I have a theory about why it changed its name that I will share later.

Now the website address is, but it still offers the exact same thing as when it was called Zareklamy. But since the official name is now Paidwork, I will mainly call it that in this review.

As explained above, Paidwork is a GPT site that will pay you for doing micro-tasks and other things. The site says it potentially can be a full-time or additional job for all people from every country.

This is a big claim and something you will not see many similar sites claim, and this worried me from the start.

But we will go into all the details about the true earning potential a little later.

Let’s first go over how the site works and the earning methods it offers. And let me just make it clear from the start that Paidwork has made a lot of changes and improvements since I first tested it. However, that does not necessarily mean it will be worth it, even though it is better now than when I first joined it.

I have made a video that gives you an inside look and shows exactly how you can earn from PaidWork. You can also read all the details below the video.

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Option 1 – Watch videos and ads

Paidwork has more or less changed all its earning methods since I first tested it a few years ago. And let me be honest and say that it is good they have tried to improve it, as I was really not impressed with what it used to offer.

Now one of the main earning methods is to watch video ads.

Browsing Ads On Zareklamy
To start browsing pages, sites or ads, all you have to do is click the Earn button and it will open a new window.

All you have to do is just click the button that looks like what you can see on the image above, and you will then get the chance to watch videos.

The videos will be 30-seconds video ads and will usually be for apps.

For that reason, this earning opportunity is only available through the Zareklamy app (more about this later) and is not available on the website.

You will get a maximum of 1 cent per video, so it will take some patience to earn, but it is still better than what you can earn on many other sites that will pay you to watch videos.

The ads can, however, be quite spammy and are often for apps that I would definitely not recommend, so you just need to be very critical and not believe everything you see in these apps.

Option 2 – Paid surveys

From time to time, you can also answer surveys to earn more rewards. This earning opportunity is pretty common on survey and GPT sites.

Zareklamy Paid Surveys
You can answer surveys from time to time.

All you need to do is click the Earn button and you will see all the available surveys you can answer.

It can, however, take a bit of patience to find the surveys you qualify for because you won’t always qualify. Plus, you have to make sure you get to the surveys quickly because most (if not all) of them have a maximum number of respondents allowed.

If that number is reached, then the survey will stop accepting new respondents. So, I suggest this is the first thing you do when you log in to the site.

Option 3 – Play games

You can also find a section inside Paidwork to earn by playing games.

However, this is not really a great option, in my opinion.

Often when you find a play-to-earn section on GPT sites, you can get paid to actually play games. In this case, you just get access to some paid offers where you can download apps and get paid for doing that.

But the opportunities are just not nearly as good as what you can find on other GPT sites.

Option 4 – Online shopping

When you see you can get paid for doing online shopping on Paidwork, you might think it will give you access to a lot of great cashback offers.

However, that is not at all the case.

In fact, you will just get access to a bunch of offers where you need to pay to sign up, so it is very different from what other GPT sites call online shopping and an option I definitely do not find worth it on Zareklamy.

Option 5 – Referral program

Lastly, you will be able to earn a commission if you invite other people to join the site. This is called a referral program, which is very common on online rewards sites.

Zareklamy Referral Program
You can invite other people to join the site, but qualifying for a reward is hard.

As shown in the photo above, all you have to do is share your invite link with the person you want to invite. Once they sign up to the site using your link, they will become your referral. But in order to earn from your referral, they actually have to do something first.

You will not get paid until after they get their first payout. If that happens, both of you will get a $10 bonus.

However, as we will go over next, I think most people will give up before getting a payout which means you will not get the bonus.

Therefore, it is not a very good referral program compared to what you can find on many other GPT sites.

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How do you get paid?

Every task you do on the site will earn you a certain amount, which will be credited to your Paidwork account. It will be in the currency of your country in most cases.

However, there has been some huge changes to the payout options since I first tested Paidwork. You used ot be able to get paid in cash via bank transfer, PayPal, or Payoneer once you had earned $10.

Now you can only get paid in their own cryptocurrency called Worken, so you need a Phantom wallet to get paid. You will get paid via the Solana network, and you can then keep your Worken (which I personally would not), or you can convert them to Solana.

The payout option has, therefore, become a lot less flexible and complicated, especially if you are new to crypto. The only good thing is that they have also lowered the payout threshold to $1.

However, because of the quite low earning potential, it can still take some patience to reach.

Overall, I think Paidwork has a limited payment system, and it is more complicated getting paid here than on many other GPT sites.

If you prefer sites that offer you to withdraw a lot faster, I would recommend you check out the fastest paying sites instead. These sites have a very low payout threshold.

How much money can you make?

Now, for a site to be considered good, you have to be able to make a decent amount of money from it without having to invest a lot of time. Unfortunately, Paidwork really doesn’t fit into this category.

This is really disappointing as Paidwork clearly claims on its front page that you can potentially earn a full-time income.

Zareklamy Claim
Paidwork claims it can be a full time job which is really not true.

They also mention that there is no limit to your earnings, and you can set your own hours.

This is just not really the full truth, in my opinion.

Claiming you can make a full-time income on Paidwork is simply an exaggerated claim.

You will NOT be able to make a living by joining – not even from countries where the cost of living is very low. And that they claim this is a complete deal-breaker, in my opinion.

At the most, you will be able to earn a bit of extra pocket money.

Can you use it on mobile?

The one saving grace of Paidwork, in my opinion, is that it has a mobile app you can download so you can complete tasks on your mobile device conveniently. Not a lot of GPT sites offer this kind of convenience.

paidwork app screenshot
The Paidwork app is available for iOS and Android users.

It used to only have a Paidwork app for Android, but it is now also available for iOS, which is a great improvement in my opinion, as many of the earning options are only available through the app, so it needs to be available for as many devices as possible.

Who can join Paidwork/Zareklamy?

Paidwork is available globally. This means you can sign up as a member regardless of where you live.

Zareklamy Sign Up Form
You can sign up as a member using your Google or Microsoft account or provide your own login details.

To become a member, you can sign up in three different ways. You can either provide your own login details or you can sign up using your Google or Microsoft account.

When I signed up, I used my Google account, and the process was pretty straightforward.

You don’t even need to confirm your membership like you normally would on other GPT sites. You can log in right away and start earning.

Can you get support?

A thing I like about Zareklamy is how they provide support for their members. They have a very comprehensive FAQ page that discusses most of the important topics you need to know about the site.

If you have any questions about the site, you can check out their FAQ page first.

If you can’t find the answers, you can then contact their support team through the contact form on their Contact page. Overall, I would say they provide good support for their members.

Why did it change name to

As mentioned at the beginning of this review, Paidwork used to be called Zareklamy.

There can be many reasons why a platform chooses to rebrand itself, and I cannot say the exact reasons for it.

However, I have a theory about this as Zareklamy started having a lot of poor reviews online and many people shared bad experiences about it – also to me personally and on my YouTube channel.

Therefore, by changing its name, new people looking for info before joining will now think it is a different platform.

I can, of course, not say this is the reason Zareklmay chose to change its name to Paidwork. But I can say that no matter what, it still offers the same, and it has not used the name change to also improve the website, which means if you see a Zareklamy review, it is of the exact same platform, and this is something I just wanted to make clear.

Final Verdict

Zareklamy/Paidwork is a GPT site that pays you for doing micro-tasks and other activities. It has a couple of good features but it also has certain drawbacks you need to consider.

Let me wrap up this review with a summary of its pros and cons to give you a better overview of what the site has to offer so you can better decide if it is a site worth joining or not.



  • Available globally


  • High payout threshold
  • Low rewards
  • Some earning opportunities aren’t always available
  • Makes exaggerated earning claims
  • Complicated payout system

As mentioned, Zareklamy/Paidwork has some decent features. I used to like its payout options, but the changes they have made are not great, in my opinion. Also, the low rewards and the availability of their earning opportunities don’t really justify it as a site that is worth joining.

Also, in my opinion, it is a deal-breaker that they advertise the site as an opportunity to make a full-time income online from any country, as that is simply not true.

There are many far better options in terms of earning potential. Plus, they have a high payout threshold. You will have to spend a lot of time to reach their threshold, which, in my opinion, can better be spent on sites that pay better.

For a list of sites with better earning potential, I would suggest you check out the top survey and GPT sites on your country instead. The sites on this list all pay well so you don’t have to spend a lot of time to earn a decent amount.

If you have any comments, questions, or have any experiences with Zareklamy yourself, I would love to hear from you in a comment below.

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